
What were your births like?

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was it really painful? did u puke? Did u have a whatever they call it tear? did u have a home birth? What about your best trying to kick start labor stories? thanks!




  1. childbirth was quite painful, but not nearly as bad as i was expecting.  i was induced around 7am and my son was born at 2:55pm.  i did end up having to be cut becuase my son was 9 lbs when he was born.  

  2. Hmmm...painful, but not as bad as I had anticipated, in both cases.

    I was scheduled to be induced with my first, but went into labor on my own an hour before I was due at the hospital. I threw up several times until I was given Nubain to take the edge off the pain. Was only in labor 6 hours and pushed for 20 minutes. Did not tear with her, and she was 8 lb 5 oz!

    My second...hehe. My hubby and I had s*x to try and "jumpstart" labor, and it worked within 2 hours! When I got to the hospital (after laboring at home for about an hour) I was already 4 centimeters dilated. With her, I did throw up after they gave me the epidural (due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, which was quickly stabilized), and had 4 small tears, due to the fact that she weighed 9

    Thanks for asking! Women always love to share their "war stories".

    EDIT: Did anyone have a hubby like mine who had to point out that you pooped on the delivery table? As if pushing out a 9 pound watermelon was some glamorous feat in itself..

  3. 18 hours of labor....had a c section, never dilated past 4, hospital birth, my labor started after a LONG walk my mother made me take

  4. Well I got lucky. It wasn't nearly as painful as i was expecting. I got induced a week early. They broke my water and started me on pitocin (to bring on contractions) at about 8am. I didnt start feeling the contractions until 2 hours later. At around 1 pm they gave me the epidural which i had a reaction to. For some reason I started to feel like I couldnt breath and got nauseas. Then that freaked me out I guess so I started to get upset and I was crying. I dont know if it was because I was scared or what, it was almost like an axiety attack or something. Anyway, it passsed after 30 min or so. After the epidural I couldnt feel a dang thing. I just rested and they checked me a few times. Finally at about 4:30 I was 10cm and just had what they called an anterior lip. The nurse had me push like 3 times and it got rid of the anterior lip, then they called the doctor. I pushed about 3 times with the doctor and out came my son. So i got very lucky only pushing a few times and didnt feel not one thing but mild contractions before my epidural. They did cut me (give me an episiotomy) to prevent tearing. I felt that after everything wore off but they give you more pain meds. It took about 2 weeks before I could sit and walk without any pain. Then about 6 more weeks before I could have s*x successfully without it hurting. But I had no vomiting, it was a hospital birth, and I tried some walking but it didnt help kick start things. The baby will come when its ready.

  5. my waters broke at 37 weeks, not a big gush like you see in the movies just a constant trickle..... so i had to be induced. i was on the drip for about 1 hour than they took it out and i was off and racing... my labor was great it was only 5 hours from the time they put the drip in till my son was born.... but only about 1 hour of intense labor and 25 mins of pushing (i had no drugs at all) my husband actually caught my son as he came out :) i did have a second degree tear tho (i didn't feel it, i only knew because they told me and had to stitch me up) for me, recovering from the stitches was way more painful than the actual birth lol. so not all labors are the painful, horrible experience some people may think! oh and yep i did throw up when i was in transition 8-10 cm lol. didn't even feel it coming.. :P

  6. it did hurt but i will do it agin

    pain want stop me to make a miracle.(we are so lucky to be able to)

    10 months ago i had a drug free natural birth i was  38 weeks pregnant and my baby was born 9 lb 8 oz i did tear a little but no stiches,did not puke but i had a ...........nurse who kept on telling me you not doing it wright,you not doing it wright,you not doing it wright(pushing).

  7. Oh yeah... the puking.  You forget about all that stuff.

    I laboured naturally for 9 hours and was at 6cm.  At that point I had an epidural and was at 9 cm within two hours.  Two hours later, still 9cm.  Two more hours, still 9cm.  Two more hours, still 9 cm.  After 18 hours of labour, they decided I needed a c-section becasue the baby wasn't coming down the birth canal.  I was so exhausted by the time I went in for the c-section that I don't remember much of anything that happened in the OR.  Thank goodness for video cameras!!

  8. long and painful i was 13 hours in labour my baby  was born dead i cried so hard n now im pregnant again 14 week im a lil scared but i know everything is gonna be ok this time cause im doing everything right

  9. Yes it was very painful, i went without drugs.  I did throwup right around 7 cm dilated.  I did get a tear with both deliveries.  No I didn't get to do homebirth because I delivered preterm so it was just safer to be in a hospital plus my insurance wouldnt cover home births.  I didn't have to try to kick start my labor, i went into labor at 32 wks they stopped it and then I finally had my boys at 36 wks.  

  10. 7 1/2 hours with my first.  Intense, very painful contraction.  Baby heartrate dropped right near the end and was very nearly an emergency c-section.  I forgot about the puking, but yeah, threw up with that one when I hit about 8 cm.  Had third degree tearing, no drugs, and forgot it all enough that I had a second baby.

    False labour start with my second at 8 days overdue, so they just induced me.  Took 3 hours for contractions to start, then 2 1/2 hours of labour with INTENSE painful contractions.  Only 2nd degree tearing with this one, even though baby was 2 pounds heavier!  No throwing up, only mild nausea at about 6 cm dilated.  

    I tried to kickstart my second labour (because she was 8 days late) with chineese food, spicy food, long LONG walks, raspberry tea, foot massage, ankle/calf massage, hot showers.  Nearly everything.  Nothing did it.

  11. My story is pretty mild compared to some that I've read above.  I was induced in the afternoon after walking for 3 miles at a local festival.  I didn't get my regular afternoon nap and was pretty tired from the get go!

    Lesson:  get lots of sleep whenever you can!

    I had to be induced due to blood pressure concerns three days before my very reliable due date.  Induction is supposedly more painful becuase your body is being forced into it.  Because I was already tired, tensing up, and induced, I did take the narcotic drugs which took the edge off the contractions.  I had back labor pain, but my super stong younger brother got called in to press on my back.  (My husband had been at work all day and was exhausted as I was.  He got some rest while my brother stepped in)  I was in labor for about 14 hours before I got to push.  Pushing was actually great because I knew that it was almost over.  I pushed for 90 minutes and then had my beautiful son.  We didn't know what we were having so all of the work had a reward!  I did tear and required stitches, but it wasn't a big deal at all.

    Lesson:  Have some back up people incase your first string people get tired!

    No home birth for me.

    Next time, I'll be ready for a no drugs delivery!

  12. I was 39 weeks when I was induced, completely unplanned, due to high blood pressure and fetal distress. I spent 16 hours in labor and, YES, it did hurt and I did puke between contractions. I wasn't making progress after that so I had to have a C-section and it was found out my baby's cord was wrapped around his neck and he had passed meconium(p**p). Everything I went through was worth it though. My baby is absolutely amazing and wonderful and I couldn't ask for anything more.

    I did try walking to help my labor along. I walked so much one weekend I thought my legs would fall off! It didn't work, though, and I was too big and in too much pain to try s*x.

  13.      I was only 3 days late.  I started getting labor pains 2 days before I gave birth.  I went in the day before at 3am and gave birth the next day at 11:54pm!  It was a lonnnnnng labor and yes, very painful.  

    The 4 days before I got at pedi and started drinking rasberry tea and was having s*x like a jack rabbit!  I lost part of my plug and started getting pains, they weren't so bad until they started getting closer together.  I waited until the very last second to get the epi and man was I in heaven after that!  But, I couldn't feel anything and I spiked a 106 temp and they were about to give me a c-section, but I started to feel more (it is easier to push IMO with pain!) and started pushing like CRAZY.  I didn't want a c-section and two of my sister are born March 18th, I had Elijah March 17th (also St. Paddy's Day!).  My man said 20 minutes before he came out, "You only have 20 mins left, it looks like he'll be born on Nicci and Rose's b-day".  I wasn't having it!  I was pushing with out contractions.  And it was really painful.  The doctors felt his head and said he was going to be small, but his head was just really pointy!  He was 8.11 pounds and 21 inches long!  

    When he came out tho, he wasn't breathing for a ful 4 minutes.  I saw my man's face and my mom's and they looked horrified.  I kept asking what was wrong? WHAT IS WRONG?  They said everything is fine.  And a few minutes later they revived him, thank God.  He had so much mucus stuck in his lungs it took three suctions to get it all out.  I had no idea until I had him in my arms.  I think that was better not to know right away, because I am sure I would have jumped off the bed and ran to him.  He is completely healthy now and just a wonderful lil' babe!

    I call him Lucky for short :)

  14. I had a C-section.  It was very painful and a long recovery.

  15. My water broke at home in a big sploosh...and it kept splooshing...I wet so many pants that my neighbour (best friend) ran home to get me some dry sweat pants to wear to the hospital.  I started crying in the labour room because I was suddenly scared but the doctor thought I was crying because of the pain so he had me get an epidural.  After that, no pain at all....just keep turning from side to side every half hour until it was time to deliver.  When it was time to push it was exhausting and they put the oxygen mask on me which made me puke.  So then the baby was out but I still had to push again to get the placenta out.  Then it was all over.  Of course the doctor cut me to make the opening wider so it took awhile for the stitches to heal so I could sit comfortably.

  16. My first child I dilated fully and was completely ready to have him but I could not push him out so after 3 hours of pushing I finally had a c-section which was wonderful because of the spinal block. I must mention that I got an epidural but it fell out and all the medicine leaked on the bed without anyone knowing. My second child I had a c-section scheduled but he came five days before that. I labored fully at home without realizing it and I almost had him in the car. My water broke right when we pulled up to the E.R. and I had him about 25 min later. Both hurt but nothing I could not handle and now I feel lucky because I got to experience it both ways.  

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