
What were your childhood...

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theories on how females got pregnant?

Mine was when I was about 6, I had a crush on one of my brothers friends. We were found behind the pool, holding hands. I swore up and down that a female could get pregnant by a man kissing a womans neck. I came to this theory because everytime I saw my dad kissing my moms neck, she was pregnant... what was yours?




  1. I thought that if you just prayed to God that you would get pregnant atoumatacally.  

  2. I don't think i remember what i thought about females and pregnacy but i did think that babies came out of belly buttons.  that was b4 i knew forsure.  

  3. I thought that the doctor had this little tiny baby growing in his desk drawer.  This lady that I knew was pregnant and she would talk about how when she went to the doctor he would listen to the baby's heartbeat, so I just figured that when you came in, he took the baby out, listened to the heartbeat, told mommy-to-be, then in nine month's time the doctor give the baby to the mommy.  too bad it isn't that simple, huh?  

  4. I never cared much...I just believed it was the stork bringing babies in :)  

  5. I believed that God put the baby in the mommy's tummy... which, in theory, holds true(well, depending on your religious leanings). I was so obsessed with wanting to be a mommy, I would walk up to complete strangers in the grocery store and proudly tell them, "Jesus put a baby in my tummy!"

    LoL, poor confused strangers...

  6. I was maybe 5 I thought when people kissed with their mouths open they blew air into the mommy's tummy and a baby grew in there and the dr took it out.

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