
What were your/did you have flu like symptoms before labor?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard that you can vomit or have loose stools before labor. Not to say that labor was going to happen soon, just before you went into labor. But then I've heard flu like symptoms. What are considered flu like symptoms? I lost my mucus plug last night and then in the night I got a sore throat that won't go away. Plus I've been really fatigued lately. I have been having random contractions everyday, and they are getting more intense but still very random. The baby hasn't moved like at all the last couple days. I went in and had a Non-stress test yesterday, cause he scared the daylights outta me, and it came back normal.

I know that most every "symptom" can be explained by just flat out being full term and pregnant. I plan on talking to my doctor tonight and seeing what she says but I was just wondering if anyone had "flu like" symptoms and what they were.




  1. i am right there with you. i am 37 weeks 4 days pregnant. 3cm dilated and 75% effaced.also went to doctor yesterday for the same test cause mine didnt want to move.i have felt tired,achy, and crappy for the last few days with bh contractions all hoping its a sign that labor is going to start soon but you never know.good luck!!!

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