
What were your expieriences the first few times you drove-- like with your permit??

by  |  earlier

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i am taking drivers ed and i have been out driving 3 times. today i went on the expressway and i was so nervous. i feel so stupid, the instructor would tell me to go left and i'd go right? driving is hard for me... i cant even keep the car straight without jerking it. sometimes i go off the road into the bumpy stuff that makes noise.. so tell me your first few experiences as a driver




  1. LMFAO! You are a bad driver but what do you expect with only a couple hours experience on the expressway. So dont feel so bad. In fact, just learn from your mistakes and just laugh at them. They make good memories.

    Well, when I first drove on the road with my driver's instrctor I did pretty good. I just didnt know how to turn good. I made the widest turns. I also asked a billion questions. She will ask me where to turn and I will keep asking her where for confirmation of where I am supposed to turn. I turned the steering wheel a lot of times. Sometimes, I would just make sharp turns while I am going kind of fast. When I first did my K-Turn, cars kept coming and she would basically take my hand and make me turn the wheel super fast. She was very hasty. I would go super fast over bumps making her hair go back and forth which I felt was really funny. Parallel parking was hard and I wouldn’t know how to do it after a million times she told me and she kept getting mad. But I learned from my mistakes and got better and now I am a good driver and I laugh at those memories and tell them to newbie drivers like you.

    But she told me about a step 2 or step 3 which turned out to be the expressway but she didn’t let me go on but you have so be very proud of yourself.

    Don’t expect to be Jeff Gordon on your first time driving.

  2. I almost wrecked the first time I went out.

    I had a lot of wrecks until I was about 21.

    Watch out and becareful.

    Don't hurt yourself or anyone else.

    Practice in a parking lot.

    Its not hard, I was scared at first too.

    Driving is not bad and gets old when you drive to work everyday

  3. lol It's alright hun. Everyone is like that when they first start driving. I was actually a pretty good driver when I first started, but believe me, I had my moments lol. The first time I tried to merge onto the highway I almost killed my instructor. You know how they tell you too make sure that your steering wheel is straight when your turn your head to look for cars and not to turn the wheel with your head? or something like that? Well, I was looking over my left shoulder to see if I could merge onto the highway and i unknowingly started to turn my wheel to the right. My instructor reached over and flung the wheel to the left and he was breathing really heavy and looked so scared because I almost ran his side of the car into a cinder block barrier thingy..hehe? I was so upset with myself for the fact that I messed up that I started to cry...which meant I couldn't see lol. We had to pull over so I could calm down and stop crying lol. He told me that it was ok and all that jazz, but I was sooooo embarrassed at that point that he couldn't say anything to make me feel better and he drove me home and told me to cool down til tomorrow's next lesson. lol. We went to the same spot the next day and I did perfectly. It just takes practice hun. Don't worry, EVERYONE makes mistakes. You will feel like a pro at driving in no time! I've only been driving for 3 years and...believe me, there have been MANY mistakes (thankfully I don't freak out as much anymore) and I don't even think about driving anymore. I just drive.

    Don't worry hun, you'll be fine! Just brush those little mistakes off with a laugh and get back to driving.  =)

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