
What were your first jobs?

by  |  earlier

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What were your very first jobs?

Mine: Junior Administrator.




  1. works in DIGI

  2. Mines were

    Dominos and Wendy's.

    one of the most Hellish times of my life.

  3. Traffic Surveyor... I basically stood at an intersection and monitored the traffic volume. I was 15 at the time, but I always looked older for my age. The pay was great, I didn't ever get a job that paid higher than my first job. But I quit after summer ended. Last summer I went back and worked for the same company again. Seven years after my first experience.

  4. I worked at Fazolis (fast food Italian) and then I worked as a sort of actor at a Theme Park...I had to put on a funny English accent and heckle people all day, that was fun, but very hot :)

  5. My first job was McDonalds.

    Then i worked at Party City

    Then Target

    Then this Mexican Fast Food Restaurant

    Then Some Internet Provider

    Then Another Internet Provider

    ....Ive Enjoyed all my life its been good...

    Ive Worked for McDonalds for about two years and then after that more jobs to come.

  6. First job was as an Au Pair....I enjoyed it.  Quit though, couldn't stand the idea that I was raising someone else's children because they did not have the time or did not want to bother : )

  7. I was 15 and I was a clerk for the legal department of San Francisco's Housing authority. Office work sucks.

  8. I was 16 and I got a job at a Burger King. I lasted about half a day, and called my parents to pick me up. The smell of grease made me sick.

    But I still love to eat there.

  9. i worked for my dad either checking up on people or answering phones

  10. at about 14 I helped with yard work and odd jobs in a senior community. Then about 16 I stocked shoes at Kinney's ( horrible ) then was a dishwasher at a Diner ( horrible ) then a dishwasher at a fine dining restaurant ( horrible ) then at 17 I started in a gallery/custom picture framing place.... things started to get better...

    those were the first bunch...

  11. My very first summer job was a clerk filling supply orders for what was called, at the time, Lands and Forests for the Provincial Government.

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