
What were your thoughts when Bush said McCain would rather lose an election than to...?

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lose a war? Bush said this last night during the convention, did anyone notice this statement?




  1. McCain said that earlier.  Now that he has picked a veep for purely political considerations, it's clear what his motives really are.  Like he wrote after losing to Bush in 2000, it's his ambition to be president.  It's all about him and his ambitions.

  2. Shouldn't everyone put their personal ambitions below our country?

    Who would want this country to lose a war.  I understood what he meant.  It doesn't seem that difficult.

  3. No source, no links, no proof just another typical liberal lie.  And people wonder why the democrats are losing yet another presidential election.

    McCain IS our new president.

  4. I am glad to hear that.

    It means your president is on the ball  and awake while on the job.

    Spoken like a true patriot.


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