
What were youre first few days of college like (current and past students)?

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i have been at my college two days and it feels so weird. you never think youre going to miss the things you miss. i miss weird things like my bed, my dog, things i took for granted. i feel like a zombie walking around campus, i feel like everyone is watching me and it makes me really uncomfortable and like there is something wrong with me. i just never know what to say to people. anyway, i think it would help me to know some of youre experiences.




  1. I remember mine as a bit nerve wrecking. I remember missing my family even ma's meals. I remember seeing people looking at me and whispering, but that's a normal thing because the returning student's don't know you. But in reality, it took me about a week or two to get over homesickness. And that my friend is what you are experiencing, homesickness.

  2. I want to say mine were a blur.  It's been almost a decade, and at least that's how it feels to me now.

    Have you started making any friends yet?  If so, that will undoubtedly help.  If not, either go out and start showing up to some of those "fun" structured activites they set up to get new students meeing each other or learn to be happy mostly just by yourself.  I did more the latter, personally, and was fine. . . but I'm very easily amused and like lots of quiet time -- friends came when I started having a bunch of classes with all the same people all the time.

    If you want to meet friends but never really know what to say, a great conversation to start might be seeing if anyone in your class wants to meet to work on your homework together, etc.  Once you've had a chance to watch people in a class or two, maybe ask the people who don't seem to already have a few friends in the class?

    Nobody is watching you half as much as you feel, unless perhaps if you have purple skin or 6 eyes.  (I presume you don't, or you'd be used to being stared at by now.)  Most people are just looking at you because they don't have anything else to look at while walking around.  We're all sort of trained to look at people first rather than grass, trees, sidewalks, etc.  Don't worry about what other people might be thinking, because it's probably more like "I'm hungry/tired", "Can I still get to class on time?", or "Did I remember to bring ___?" than anything about you.

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