
What what happen to a person if their neck was on the railroadtrack beam that the train wheels go on?

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and then the train goes over the person and continues going. need to know for anatomy assignment.




  1. It probably wouldn't cut through the neck sp much as smash it out of existence. And the train may or may not derail.  Either way, no one would survive it.

  2. There have been some movies about fights between people on some trains.  The results are a body with no head.  The head is just gone.

    There was a story in local newspaper about how some Dad gave his 2 year old toddler a ride in a steamroller.  The dad was backing up and hit a rock.  The boy was not wearing a seat belt, fell against door latch which opened, boy fell out, and was caught up in the steamroller machinery and body obliterated.  The police ruled this accidental death.  I never did find out how come the Dad not in trouble for having the kid in the cab of the steamroller in the first place.

  3. my guess is that they would die.. the train wheel is really fast most likly sharp and would cut it off like fine knife.. and the head would roll a little then thats it... life over

  4. The obvious answer is decapitation would result, however, I don't want to sound gruesome but the result to the head itself and the body would be horrible. Just think of the power of the locomotive and all the weight, not to mention all those cars trailing behind.  Most often, the train will try to stop if the engineer sees something, if he doesn't and the person is located in a blind spot...syonara!  They won't find much, if anything.  Terrible way to go, although I can't think of  many pleasureable ways.


  5. You aren't planning on doing this to anyone now, are you?

  6. if  you can imagine the impact of a  car and a full can of  soda that the physics

  7. Your question is timed perfectly.  Read my answer to the question "For train crews" below.............

    In the event related there, the engineer of the standing train noted that there was very little blood.  This is not uncommon.  When a train bi-sects the limb or body part, it doesn't 'slice' through, it crushes the appendage off.  In so doing, the veins, arteries and capillaries are essentially 'sealed' off by the crushing weight of the equipment.

    If the same occurs lengthwise, then the person will bleed to death very quickly.

    So, there's a lesson in both railroading and anatomy...........

  8. The result?  A really short haircut, a big mess, and a disgruntled maintenance crew picking the dork's brains out of the traction motors!

  9. I should imagine they would be decapitated!

  10. Well, the person would probably be decapitated given the speed that a train usually travels. Also it depends on what direction the person's head is facing; is it away from the track or towards it? Nevertheless it would probably leave quite a mess either way.

  11. pretty obvious, don't you think?  Head cut off!!!!!!!!!!

  12. WELL, the cowguard should be able to keep the persons head from even getting to the wheel. The cowguard would hit your head first. You would have to go behind the cowguard and put your head underneath to even get to the wheel.

    Locomotives have cowguards not really for this reason, but to keep things (cows I guess) from becoming trapped underneath the wheels. (Sick)

  13. They would lose their head.

  14. they would instantly be transformed into  a 'chevy ridin' hot boi lover. you freak

  15. I would imagine they would be decapitated.

  16. the best answer is from hog head. look what happens to a penny on the track. only thing i have to ad is that i hear if a limb is run over away from a joint i.e. forearm, thigh and the person survives otherwise unhurt that with todays medical advancements the limb can be successfully re-attached minus the 4 inches crushed. this seems also dependent on how quickly the limb is found. i don't know how usable the limb will be afterwards. some more research might be good for some extra credit.

    also don't forget about the personal after effects of events like this.

  17. Uuhhhhh........I don't know.Go try it,with a ballistics dummie of couse.

  18. get real

    used to have to clean up this mess

    not a nice question to answer

    not a nice question to post

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