
What/where is New Zealand?

by  |  earlier

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if its not in europe, or asia, then where is it? It sounds like some back water third world country to NZ anywhere near the united states?




  1. so...... are they not teaching geography in school anymore. new zealand is a fairly large island nation off the coast of austrailia in the south pacific. and it is not some backwater country either. its actually "owned" i guess you can say by great britian. while its not as modern as the US its far from a third world country. i mean WTF mate you cant go to google and type in new zealand and figure it out for yourself????? seriously

  2. Near Austrailla to the southeast. It's part of a region called Oceania.

  3. It is as near to Australia as Britain is to Russia

  4. New Zealand is a set of beautiful islands off the coast of Eastern Australia

  5. you MUST be american to be  asking such a silly question!!!

  6. Actually some say Australia is the West Island of New Zealand,  Only joking Australians!

    Oceania ,Pacific, Region etc......

    They say we are downunder but really were on top of the world?.

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