I would like to hear both perspectives (men and women). This woman has been accusing her husband of cheating for many years, even though he never did...until a year ago. Wife set up "traps" such as creating fake profiles on certain social websites (even though she FORBID he enter these same sites or she'd have a S**t fit) as him behind his back just to see if anybody would contact him. If anybody did, she'd go crazy on both of them. Had she ever cheated? A few times he caught evidence that said yes, but nothing enough to prove and of course she denied.
So husband starts feeling extreme guilt over the affair and ends it. Wife finds out AFTER he had ended it already..she tricked him into confessing by telling him she had already talked to this other woman, when that was not true, but she had searched on line and gathered as much info as she could on who she suspected might have something to do with her husband (this other woman happened to fall into her trap on one of these sites wife set up as if it were his). He confesses and wife finds this other woman's phone number and constantly harasses her-it's been months. Affair ended. She knew this (wife did) from the start. She has made him feel utter guilt and he's doing everything in his power to "repair" the marriage (which was broken long ago to begin with). She makes him feel like c**p every single day all day long bringing up this other woman and all kinds of other stuff. He's miserable, yet, he's trying to "prove" whatever it is he's trying to prove to his wife. She goes back and forth between this woman (who never responds to her actions/insults or bothers him at all) and her husband trying to turn each of them against the other. All of a sudden, she's Wife of the Year, when she never before cared to even help around the house. At the same time making him feel like he's done such a wrong to her that he deserves to be treated like a dog. She never once cried, never once said she loved him...she just states that he's not leaving her and that's the end of the story. That she feels utterly sorry for the other woman and for her husband for falling for each other, but that he had obligations to her. She sends their 10 yr old daughter to work with him and tells the little girl to make sure and report back any woman so much as look at him. She did that for a while, but now, she just does her dirty work herself. This other woman and this man work for the same company, so wife makes him take her w/him...and there she goes to work w/him to ensure no contact is made.
Ladies, what do you think of that? Gentlemen, would you stand for being treated in such a way? I thought forgiveness was on both parties...she's done wrong, too..but she doesn't acknowledge that. She doesn't seem to be hurting...well, okay, her pride is hurt, that much is obvious!