
What wil it take for me to get a word in with the ceo of General Motors? To possibly save the company?

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Well Ive built them, modified them, reprogrammed the eeprom, dialed in the fuel/ignition maps for the perfect car, With the Chevy Aveo only achieving 35 miles per gallon this is where I think I could step in, my homebuilt cars get 60+ mpg with simple modifications, they are bigger and heavier than the Aveo, with a little less frontal air resistance but still!!! This country is going overboard, all our jobs are going overseas, with the GM plant closing in my town, Janesville WIsconsin I see how many jobs flutter away due to closing of one plant, I think we need to get together and kick Honda's,Toyota's *** and build a car that the aftermarket will find their way into, that gets exceptional great gas mileage, with engine swaps of higher end modles as simple as an honda, plug and play type engine swaps why havent we figured this out yet, its blantely obvious we can do it, this country needs our help we are in as some say an near recession and this honda, toyota,nissan,kia etc etc c**p isnt helping but who can blame everyone for buying those marvels, this is what we need to do and more, and I wish I was enginner for ford,chevy,dodge so we could turn this country around, get out of our nationwide dept put everyone to work so the working man isnt paying for the non working mans food, child care, etc. im not very knowledgable in politics so dont mind my abcence of knowledge in that aspect but there has to be something we can do?

And if anybody has any way I can put my word in to anybody who can listen, let me know Im willing to try anything and am up for it all so even the smallest point in the right direction would help.

Thanks Jason




  1. First off the US car industry is well aware of it's shortcomings, especially in the fuel consumption area. I have no doubt that every time some Engineer tries to introduce better fuel consumption 'Der Management' sits on it (since one fuel efficient car will make all their other models look even worse, especially the 4x4 SUV's which I would guess is the only model that makes any profit)

    They have ZERO interest in selling 'upgrades' to existing cars since (plainly) that will reduce the number of new cars they can sell ..  (you may, in fact' have heard the term 'planned obsolescence' ?)

    You can try selling your 'increased fuel MPG' upgrade to existing owners, however I expect GM will sue your socks off under the Digital Millennium Act (or whatever they call it) which forbids disassembly or modification of copyrighted software ..

  2. Many years ago this method worked to get an interview with the Managing Director at the British Motor Corporation In Zetland Australia. One of the employees was having trouble getting his new motor vehicle repaired. He had bought it under an employee purchase scheme. The dealer who sold him the vehicle was giving him the run around. Fed up with not being able to get any satisfaction, when the employee arrived at work at 6.45 am on Monday morning, instead of parking in the employee car park, he parked his car in the spot reserved for the Managing Director. At the end of his shift, at 3.30 pm he went to his car. He removed the message on the windscreen which requested the owner of the vehicle to not park in this spot, and and drove home. The next morning he again parked in the Managing Director's spot. By now the MD was furious and nearly had the place turned upside down to track down the owner of this vehicle. A check with the records held at the Personnel Department established the owner and where he worked within the organisation that employed some 6,000 personnel. The employee was escorted into the MD's office that morning around 10.00 am. He apoligised for having inconvenienced the MD and was able to explain that this was his last resort to get something down about his vehicle. Needless to say the dealer was immediately contacted by the irate MD and told off in no uncertain terms, and instructed to send somebody to collect the problem vehicle and to "FIX IT" forthwith.  

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