
What will 2 high of speaker IMPEDANCE do to your receiver? or do at all. ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. a speaker with a high impedance IMPEDES the flow of energy to the speaker much more than that of a low impedance speaker. so if a speaker is restricting current from an amp/receiver its not receiving enough voltage to produce a loud and clear sound. higher impedance speakers will work with smaller receiver units. if the unit is too big then there will be excessive voltage since the speaker is accepting only a small portion of it potentially damaging the amp. thats not to say now that a speaker of lower impedance is better. a lower rated speaker will allow more energy to flow effectively requiring the amp to produce more power. and if your amp is not strong enough the need power cant be supplied and the speaker will not function to its potential. i hope i made some sense

  2. Nothing - higher impedance speakers are actually safer.

    As you get lower and lower impedance - it gets closer to a short-circuit.  This is like taking the + and - terminals of a battery and connecting them together. This usually means sparks, heat, fire.

    You also have to know - a speaker impedance is NOT fixed.

    An 8 ohm speaker actually changes it's impedance from about 3 ohms to 30 ohms. It changes as the frequency of sound changes.

    So the impedance stamped on a speaker is the "Nominal" or "Average" impedance.

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