
What will America do when it costs more to fill up your tank then you make in a month ????

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I think there are alot of a******s out there who are extremely insensitive to this, saying get over it theres nothing you can do and im glad gas prices are rising, trust me ppl do say this and on yahoo answers, who knows what there problem is ?? But what people need to realize is that not everyone has the luxury of living right next to where they work, when you live in an area where the only work you can get is almost 110 miles away roundtrip daily, what are your realy options?? Not everyone is rich and can afford to pack up and move or buy an electric car. So what will happen to us when gas gets so high that to fill up your tank it actually COSTS you to have a job. so you have to quit? so then how will you pay the bills. Ok so tell me to go get a job at ******* mcdonalds, guess what it still costs money to drive there! and where i live the nearest mcdonalds is 10 miles away, and guess what they only pay minimum wage!! what happens when gas goes over $7 a gallon? its looking that way




  1. Your case is all to common and actually quite sad.  Yes, I know sometimes we can seem insensitive when we lay out options - so don't take this wrong, but...

    Well doggonit - the notion of living close, sustainability, green-living - whatever you want to call it - it's not exactly new you know.   And there have been stories about the effects of urban sprawl and how it harms our health, our pocket books, makes us dependent on autos... for years.

    And those of us who promoted those things got thumbed at, called names, marginalized, gleefully showered with flip-flop sandals, abused and categorized in the talk show circuit while "the haters" sat back and laughed and called us enviro freaks.

    Now it's come to fruition and the idiots naysayers who scoffed are responsible for good folks like you left with very little comfortable choices.

    Please, I know it sux, but seriously - your life must change because this gas thing isn't going to go away or get fixed.  It isn't your fault (well not entirely) and it's tough to alter your lifestyle - moving!?!?? Ahhhh!!! I know, I know... but what else can you do?  

    It's going to take years to remake your community and fix what was done - the sprawl - get out now while you can and start a new life!

  2. we will go nuts.. ethanol is too expensive and corn takes up too much land.

  3. 1. more effcient vehicles. i have 40 miles of country driving one-way to school every day, and my harley is a godsend (48 MPG on regular). the fuel savings more than offset the insurance. though i do fill up more often, due to a 5-gallon tank. i'm also waiting on a tesla roadster (thank god for trust funds), which i could also drive to school on zero gas

    2. carpool as much as possible. i usually pick up a fellow student who lives halway between my place and school. we alternate vehicles to split the fuel cost

    3. move closer to work. i know, but if you can't afford food because of your gas costs, you need to do something, and this is this easiest way to cut fuel costs. if i wasn't getting dirt cheap rent from my parents, i'd live 30 miles closer

    4. rent a small apartment. my mother lives 60 miles from work and works 3 consecutive 12 hours shifts every week. it's cheaper for her to go in on a small apartment with a few co-workers than it is to drive 120 miles 3 times a week

    5. demand more/better public transportation. if there was a small commuter train in the country, and a bus stop closer than 5 blocks from work, mom would barely have to drive (though she would buy handgun. she works in kind of a bad neighborhood)

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