
What will Britain be like in twenty years time?

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What will Britain be like in twenty years time?




  1. Well, the plan is as far as I know for Britain to be part of a European Fascist superstate (under central control from Brussels), paving the way for a world superstate and a microchipped population under constant surveillance. This is already starting, and no one seems to be bothered!

  2. overcrowded riddled with crime unaffordable property and sky high tax,s get out now before we all go  down britain is the modern day titanic

  3. I think it will have hardly any english people and be very over populated

  4. 20 years older

  5. As backward as it is right now.

  6. iraq   loads of flying cars boom

  7. Well prime Minister Patel will be in power and we'll be under Sharia Law so no naming your teddys Mohammed!

  8. Like it is now, but people will have mullets once again... and short sideburns.

    Also, our clothes will be really shiny and we will eat pills instead of food.  Robots will do all our household chores.

    Coronation Street and East Enders will still be on the telly.  

    Cars will look all the same.

    Why is this in the Royalty category????

  9. Given the right parental guidence to our children and hopefully get them to expell all the racists and bigots from these shores, it should be a better place!!

  10. yahoo answers will still have questions about the McCanns, Immigration, and Abortion. The USA will be at war with everyone, except Britain (only ones stupid enough to keep supporting them), Andorra (no oil) and Lichtenstein (no oil).  The migrant workers will have got fed up with the xenophobia from the tabloids - which in turn means that the average shopper will need to remortgage the house every time they want fresh fruit and veg; NHS waiting times will be even bigger due to a shortage of Aussie and Canadian and Asian Nurses/OT's/Doc's etc.

    The public sector will just be staffed by form fillers as that is pretty much all they do due to government policy now, let alone 20 years down the line.

  11. same, unfortunatly

  12. Having followed the tabloid xenophobia like sheep we will be shunned by most of the world. The immigrant workforce will have left for greener pastures and better treatment which in turn will mean the collapse of our industry. All we will have left is estate agents and PR's fighting over the scraps.

    Once the US collapses from the inside out we will also, without the strength of a unified Europe be at the beck and call of which ever power comes top. Expect bleak times ahead.

  13. The same except for the flying cars.

  14. *Turns on the predict-o-gizmo*

    I predict that Britain will be an anarchic wasteland filled with death and destruction at the hands of American friendly fire in the event of WW3.

  15. Worse than it is now.

  16. Probably at the bottom of the sea with the weight of all the illegal immigrants!

  17. Being invaded by a new community called "European Muslims"

  18. lets ask the seer! however i believe the life of today determines tomorrow.

  19. WW3!!!!!!!! :0 Oh Dear USA! You've done friendly fire :|

  20. What will the world be like in 20 years time? Let me guess. Half of you yahoo users would be getting ready for your grandchildren and the other half will be getting ready to die.  I might get to see the evolution of the world since i'm still young.

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