
What will Europe do to prevent Russia from reabsorbing ex-Soviet countries?

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First Georgia, murders in Ukraine, pressuring of Estonia, helping keep alive pro-Russia movement in Belarus, what's next!?




  1. Five Georgians have already died in Iraq.  They are vying for NATO membership and joined the coalition in Iraq to prove their loyalty to the US (other former Soviet countries have done the same thing over the years).

    Georgia will now expect some kind of military assistance from the US.  It will start out with more military technology, then air raids, then ground troops.

    As for Europe, they have gotten lazy when it comes to defending their own borders.  Except for the UK, there were few other troops in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia during that civil war ten years ago.  They are an economic powerhouse now with the EU.  They won't do much unless a major terrorist attack occured on European soil.  Maybe then they'll take a break from their soccer game and react militarily.

    Also, most of the natural gas that Europe uses comes from Russia.  So, to keep their supply they will be extra cautious about being too vocal about Russian aggression.

  2. People of the world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation

    of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at

    22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of

    the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery

    bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and

    heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace

    inhabitants were conducted. 2000 civil people already were lost. The

    Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening

    08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in

    republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of

    South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad,

    it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on:,, ,,,

  3. Answer: Europe will do nothing.

  4. In soviet russia, ex-soviet countries absorb YOU!!

  5. No such thing as "de facto" NATO.  Either you are or you aren't.  And Georgia isn't.  Just because we (U.S.) trained some of their military so that we could use them in Iraq doesn't mean that the rest of NATO somehow unoficially adopted Georgia.

  6. Perhaps Europe doesn't feel the need to be World Police like Bushco.

    The Russia/Georgia thing has been brewing for many years, even at the height of the USSR's existence the Georgians were always a nuisance to Moscow.

    At this stage ANY intervention by a third party would be a disaster and simply muddy the water. The inevitable outcome is that Russia will impose a strong military presence in Georgia and hunt down and eliminate the rebels.

    We should stay the h**l out of it, let's remember that distractions like this keep Russia from giving us a hard time elsewhere.

  7. Ukraine will be the next EU member, it is safe from Russia.

    We live in Estonia; although we share a border with Russia, the two countries could not be further apart. Estonia feels like Scandinavia now rather than Russia as it did ten years ago. Estonia is safe from Russia.

    Speaking of the baltics, Lithuania and Latvia are also EU now, they are safe from Russia.

    Belarus is moving closer toward Russia. They are happy about that.

    Russia is not the pariah state much of the Western media would have you believe. I have spent a lot of time in Russia, my wife is Russian, its not such a hostile place any more.

    Georgia got brave wanting to secure its borders to get NATO membership, but Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been in some dispute for a long time. Georgia hoped the US would help them - fat chance!

    Read this debate on South Ossetia:

    The short answer to your questions is that Europe will do nothing because there is no risk to Europe from Russia.

  8. If they will approach it like Georgia they might as well give the world to Putin on the plate coz nothing stoping them

  9. "We should stay the h**l out of it, let's remember that distractions like this keep Russia from giving us a hard time elsewhere."

    Are you SERIOUS?! i have too much to say to start arguing but... God!

    And another comment to a comment (while not really answering the question, i'm sorry), i wouldn't take information provided by Russian media all true since they're not very unbiased here... i think international press is more reliable.

    Agree with the person who said doing nothing is as good as giving the world away on a plate... Russia/Putin will definitely not stop if not MADE to stop.  

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