
What will Global Warming do to our planet in the long run?

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What's going to happen as the temperatures keep rising and the ice keeps melting? What's going to be the outcome and the aftermath? Maybe by then, should our race survive, we would have created the technology to take the people of that period to another planet suitable enough to support life. Maybe Mars could be it as a result of preparation and many past missions to make it a suitable planet for earthlings with a base colony that contains artificial gravity, air, and food. But I still want to know what would happen to Earth. Some say another Ice Age but how would that occur with the planet being at its warmest?




  1. Polar ice meltdown, sea level rise, coastal cities and town submerge, considerable Oxygen and Ozone depletion and all associated illness due to Ultra Violet Rays invasion including large scale skin cancer, terrific soil erosion, change in weather and climate with widespred effect as crop failure and depletion of water resources, huge plant growth variation effecting ecological imbalance in every bio cycle of diverse life forms and many more possibilities and all get combined to give effect on human living so difficult and assumingly we all would suffer unknowingly to a level with no known cure in sight!

    We can't just escape from the world to reside in the moon or in other planets since we could not solve even simple issues in Iraq and Iran in the World today!

  2. Open your eyes ,it is not happening...Global Warming is propagated by the Left to keep us under there control.. If the people find out that this LIE has cost it could be bad.....

  3. If all land ice melted, sea level would rise approximately 230 feet (70 meters) worldwide. Vast areas would be submerged.

    The average temperature increase would not be so great, with pessimistic estimates of 5 degrees C by 2100, but locally effects may be much stronger, with many areas becoming deserts.

    With all the lost lands, we may find it difficult to grow enough food for our growing population, we'd face large scale famine.

    Higher temperatures also mean more violent weather as warm oceans create violent storms.

    Life would be harder, and many will die, but humanity will survive.

  4. Well your question belongs in the GW topic on Answers and not in the Astronomy section.

    However------ it is curious to me that ASTRONOMERS are continually challenged on just about every theory having to do with the Universe---


    GW theory is a "settled" issue with a final "CONSENSUS"!

  5. i don't know the future. i think we should conserve and take care of our environment but it makes me angry when people are burdened with ideas. we don't control magma, sun hiccups(don't know what they are called), plates,..., . i think it is better to give suggestions for ways we can help each other.

  6. Global warming isn't even proven, sure the ozone layer has a hole in it, but Global warming isn't a sure thing

  7. The same thing that has every 2 to 3 centuries, a period of warmer weather followed by a sudden but very short cold period (the years without summer from the eighteenth century). All this is just normal climatic cycles.

  8. In quick summary, if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the northern Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst-case scenario would be a full-blown return of the last ice age - in a period as short as 2 to 3 years from its onset - and the mid-case scenario would be a period like the "little ice age" of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely harsh winters, droughts, worldwide desertification, crop failures, and wars around the world.

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