
What will Hillary's Message be Tonight?

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Will she favor party unity and back Obama unconditionally? Remember, a good percentage of her supporters don't support Obama, and if he loses the general election to MCain, she will be the presumptive Democrat front-runner next time around.




  1. Publicly, she has to favor party unity, her career is on the line. Neither her or Obama can get elected with only half the democrats.

    On the sly, however, she will do all she can to sabotage party unity.

    This of course will come back to bite her in a** because as I said neither her or Obama can make it with only half of the democrats.

    The Clintons  are use to being Democratic royalty and getting their way and now that the democrats are going in another direction they can not stand it.

  2. It's in her best interest to give a solid party unity speech and I believe she will give a good one.  This is the only way that she can curry party favor and try to regain the Clinton royalty title.  But, if Obama and/or his sheeple believe her sincerity for one minute, then they are going to deserve the shaft that she has planned for them.  

    McCain '08 - then, now and in November  

  3. It really doesn't matter, Diebolt has the final say in who wins, not the citizens of the USA

  4. It will be torture!

  5. She will heartily thank her supporters, and urge them to keep moving forward by backing Obama.

  6. She will use the 'd**n with faint praise' technique giving the weakest arguments in favor of Obama like, "He is a fast learner and will be up to speed sooner or later."

  7. I think she will hint that the ugly old bat in the pant suit hasn't given up the fight yet.

  8. She will support party unity whether she wants to or not.  That's the only chance she'll ever have of advancing her political career.

  9. She will say that Republicans Still have failed policies

  10. i seriously hope she makes a CONVINCING speech to her supporters to vote for OBAMA.

    there will always be sore losers but its up to them to be the bigger man or woman

  11. "I told you so" will be her theme

  12. If she supports Obama, then that means either she is lying now or she was lying 2 months ago when she was down gradeing him and telling use what a messed up job he would do. So can we really trust her.  HA! HA! HA......I can't believe I ask that one.

  13. Unity, and Bush McCain bashing.

  14. In the speech she'll be all Obama. Behinds the scenes - make sure he loses so I can run in 2012.

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