
What will Hillary do with the prisoner's at Gitmo?

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What will Hillary do with the prisoner's at Gitmo?




  1. Silly. She will set them free, give them all free driver's licenses, send them to school at US citizen's cost, ditto on the health care, issue them food cards, and totally pardon them! Then she will build free ( payers' expense) housing units for them.

  2. Good question!  Why hasn't she answered it?

  3. I think that question cannot be answered without getting into trouble. What would Bill do? if it where women?..hows that?

    She would get them lawyers, a house, car, license. Interview them!

  4. You *do not* want to know that.....

  5. Lie to them.

  6. Great Question.  If the Dems take power, what will they do with Gitmo?  They all say they want to shut it down.  But what will they do with the detainees?

    Send them home to continue their terrorist activities?

    Give them all the lawyers they can eat to keep them tied up in knots in the legal system for years?

  7. Nothing, she will not be in a position to do anything with them.

  8. Give them a legitimate trial -- as the U.S. should have done in accordance to the Geneva Convention

  9. Hillary Clinton, in case she wins, might let the prisoners at Gitmo free since the Democrats are anti-war.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  10. invite them to her and Slick Willy's house for games

  11. The answers above made me literally laugh out loud.

    The truth is that Hillary believes, and I'm not sure that she is wrong, that they should be tried in court and (if found guilty) be placed into the American prison system (some of which are even more secure then Gitmo).

  12. I'm going to guess....let them stay in the Lincoln Bedroom?  Did I win?

  13. she should lock her self in it. So no one will attack

  14. release them, most likely.  though someone should put them on trial for their crimes

  15. Apologize to them and then give them cabinet positions.

  16. Probably keep them there during her term and then pardon them all on her last day in office.

  17. invite them over for tea and crumpets...then, she'll have them mowing the lawn at the WH.  oh wait, that's what she'll do with illegal aliens...sorry.  she'll put the terrorists in charge of homeland security.

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