
What will Houses of Parliament be used for after power moves to Brussels?

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When the Lisbon Treaty is implemented there will just be 9 regions reporting to Brussels so we won't need the Houses of Parliament.

What will they do with the building?

Seems a shame to knock it down for a Tescos.

What about a casino ?

Bowling and KFC?

What do you think?




  1. Affordable housing.

  2. A knocking shop

  3. immigrant resource centre no doubt.

  4. A memorial to the death of Britain.

  5. I think there's a tiny flaw in your assertion - you're talking cobblers.

    I'm rather anti-EU these days, but I hardly think this sort of thing helps advance the debate.

  6. It will become the Expenses Claim Emporium.

    Or it could be a wax work museum with talking heads.

    Oops!, sorry it already is.

    Plan 'A' Expenses Claim Emporium.

  7. Storage for nuclear waste, that way it can never re-open

  8. this treaty was a bad idea anyway im no conservative, i am a socialit and i do not support the treaty at all, i think britain should have its own laws like we always have done, though i don`t think the treaty takes all of parliaments rights away just half of them, but what will happen to parliament in 20 years time i suspect europe will take the other half we have left.

  9. The next big brother house

  10. good point. what a pity some can't see even now just where the politicians are taking us. i don't know if it's a case of the politicians being very clever. or the pro Europeans being very thick. i suspect the latter

  11. I kind of think you Euros will need your parliaments still. Didn't you all just vote against the EU Constitution recently?

    I prefer Hugh Dennis's idea on the EU Parliament. He says you should move the whole lot into the Millenium Dome since they are both a huge waste of money and it'd be better to put them into the same place. :)

  12. Will still be there - be used as fattening house before wheeling the MP's off to Brussels

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