
What will I encounter as an American businessman living abroad in Brazil?

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Will I find myself in jail because there are some unusual laws that I won't expect? What kind of local customs might I find interesting? Is the political climate there pretty stable? I'd be particularly interested in hearing from people who are actually from there or who have lived there for an extended period for business.




  1. No, don´t think you´ll go to jail. Drugs, prostitution, driving drunk... these things are illegal. But I suppose thats everywhere, or should be.

    Its very stable politicaly and economicaly, but also quite expensive.

    Since the dollar is(and has been for quite a while) very low, the cost of living here has gone up.

    2 years ago, São Paulo was the 131 ranking city, and Rio 134, in a cost of living research by UBS or some similar instituition. Now they are 30 and 33 or something like that.

    I´m Brazilian, and have lived abroad most my life. I have a EU passport which would allow me to live in Europe legaly, but I still choose Brazil.

    Politicians are corrupt. So are the police. But not all of them, of course.

  2. i lived in sao paulo, brazil my whole life so i know what its like there but i dont know about the other places, here are some tips:

    1. be very careful, crime is the biggest problem there not terrorism, better not to go out after dark, hang around public places with lots of people, and give the impression that you have nothing of value

    2. the laws generally don't apply, everybody is corrupt, especially the police, bureaucracy is terrible

    3. best to stick to residential neighborhoods like moema or morumbi, more middle and upper class people

    4. watch what you eat or drink, make sure the place looks clean and credible

    5. the people are generally really nice, really relaxed and easy to talk to

    6. the climate is really nice, mostly warm, but it cools off after the sun goes down

    the crime is everything you expect and more, and lately it has gotten worse in big cities like sao paulo and rio de janeiro

    you can get into trouble simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time so watch out

    you really cannot be too careful in brazil

  3. complete paradise ..

  4. Is hard for you to try to see Brazil through the eyes of brazilian people. I think it would be easier to start trying to share the point of view of other foreigns. With time you'll be able to form your own opinion about Brazil. A great place to try to catch a glimpse of "BraSil" through foreign eyes is this website:

    Good Luck and I hope you like it!

  5. If you are interested in specific information about doing business in Brazil see the regular column Order and Progress: Law, Finance and Business in Brazil by Robert Eugene DiPaolo on BrazilMax.

  6. Watch out for corruption, especially if starting you own business.  It's a third world country, so expect bribery and the whole bit.

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