
What will I expect my first day on the job?

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I have recently accepted a job at a local daycare and I am nervous because it is a full time position and I have never worked in daycare before. I am 22 years old with no children of my own as of yet but I have taken a few classes in childhood education and am currently still in school to get my degree. The children I will be working with are preschool age. Will my new employer tell me what I need to be doing my first day or will I be thrown into the job not knowing what I need to do? Please help!




  1. Get involved with the kids.  They love having someone older helping them with whatever they are doing.  Cleaning up after them, and changing diapers (if they are still in diapers) are things you will probably be doing. Don't worry, it is fun, the kids will love you, have fun!

  2. I really like what TEACH had to say. I would ask if you have a aide first of all and make that person your best friend.  I would like to say that you are about to enter the best time of your entire life hands down.  Preschool teaching has changed me forever as nothing else could have. I will tell you that you shouldn't ever feel like you are a bad teacher because you have some learning/growing to do.  We all have been through this.  Often times when a teacher doesn't know what to do or they feel overwhelmed, they use power and control.  I encourage you to listen, use your words and remain confident that you CAN "MODEL" for these children what you expect without yelling or punishment.  I want you to go to this site TONIGHT!!!  NAEYC.  When you enter the site, type in anything you are anxious about and incredible short articles, from real teachers address the issue.  I particularly appreciate the honesty of the most seasoned teachers in these articles.  I would also find somebody to observe who is seasoned.  Dont try to learn this all in a day.  Be yourself, offer exploration, model what you expect, and you will be fine as a new teacher.  Write me back if you have any questions but you will discover how YOU have unique talents the children are waiting for.  I would just be excited about this and the kids will follow that vibe!!!  You have got this one!!!

  3. Your employer should tell you!  Don't worry to much about what to expect; most educational settings differ in some way in how they go about things so just observe, ask questions and listen to what the other practitioners have to say.  It might be a good idea to ask about key rules and regulations so you know that you are following the same guidelines as everybody else, and check whether you have certain responsibilities to fulfil each day.  At the end of the day, no-one is going to expect you to come in and know exactly how it all works on your first day, so just watch, listen, ask questions and learn as you go!  Good Luck

  4. Is this your first job? You sound nervous! Don't be. Children are lovable. You'll see. Of course they can be "monsters" at times. All you need is a positive attitude and enough rest the night before. Bet you'll be running out of steam before the day is through cos it's very exciting. Remember, you're their role model. :D

  5. Your employer will def. tell you what to do. Be prepared to be thouroughly exhausted at the end of the day for the first few days!! Full-time at a daycare takes a lot of time/patience/energy. Have a good breakfast, pack a good lunch! Observation is the key to the first week - see how the teacher runs the room, ask lots of questions, offer your help where you can (helping with cleaning up, taking the kids to the potty, asking what the teacher in the room would like you to do). Be prepared to answer alot of questions from the kids (Who are you, why are you here, how old are you, lots of cute questions like that!) Get down on the floor with them and interact with them as much as you can - thats the best way to learn about their temperaments, their likes/dislikes, ect...Learning the routine and creating a good relationship with the teachers in the room and the kids should be your main focus - everything else will come.

    Good luck!!!

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