
What will I need for cloth diapering? ?

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Well, I have took my 8month old daughter to the docs 2 times in the last week because she has a terrible rash in her diaper area. They say it is a yeast infection, and gave me the nystatin cream, but it hast worked, and we have used it all, including chaging her diaper ever 30 min. So I decided to try cloth diapers, someone told me it might help.

So I plan on buying all the stuff needed at either, Walmart, or Target.

I need a list of things I will need for cloth diapering.

Thanks so much....

No rude comments please.....Though I am sure I will get them anyways..




  1. First off, don't plan to enjoy cloth diapering with the Gerber prefolds you'll find in stores.  They're terrible!   I used Gerber prefolds on my two oldest babies and it's a miracle I stuck with cloth diapers.  They might be okay to start with to help your baby's butt, but in the long run you'll probably want to look into some diaper service quality prefolds (DSQ) or pockets, fitteds, or all in ones. They're more expensive than the Gerber ones, but you really do get what you pay for!  You can find used ones at and which is where I buy all of my diapers.

    You'll need some covers to go with the prefolds.  Again, the Gerber covers are awful and might actually make your baby's rash worse.  Breathable fleece or wool is much better.  And wool isn't as scratchy as people think.  Mine is nice and soft.  

    You'll also need either pins or a Snappi.  I've honestly never poked a baby with a pin, but a lot of people are worried about that.  Snappis take the fear away. :-)  

    Cloth wipes are nice, too, especially if commercial wipes irritate your baby's skin.  I use flannel wipes now, but with my first two babies I just bought some plain white washcloths and used those as wipies.  

    You'll want something in the diaper bag to keep your wet and dirty diapers in until you get home.  You can buy or make a wetbag if you want, but I just keep some plastic store bags in there to tote the dirty dipes home in.

    Here's a good site that can tell you everything you need to know.  Be sure to read about washing diapers, too, to make sure that you're using a detergent that won't hurt her sore bottom.

    Good luck, and I hope you find that you love cloth as much as I do!

  2. do not waste your money with the walmart diapers - unless you go with flats, they are useless - the 'padding' does nothing

    target USED to carry a gerber  DSQ diaper (diaper service quality) that is VERY decent for a mass merchandiser - however, gerber has stopped making those (as they do every useful diaper), the last time i checked you could still order them from - but they are probably getting very low or out by now.

    if you insist on using target/walmart - then go with GAUZE prefolds - they have a small amount of layers of gauze in the middle that works ok, you will need to use 2 of these diapers though as they are so thin.

    or the flats - the flats are usually easier to find, though i would recommend gauze in this one also - they have a weave but to me the gauze one works better, more absorbant

    for diaper covers, please do not use the vinyl gerber pants - that is basically like using a disposable - no air circulation, hot, just not good for babies skin when so much better ones are available - again since sticking w/target/walmart - some walmarts, targets and toys r us, or babies are us, carry the bumkins covers, usually in a package of diapers as well - these are definitely preferable to the vinyl pants, however, i would not recommend them as they do not have gussets, with gussets on my diaper covers, i have not had 1 explosion in 6 mos (my baby is 6 mos old)

    basically what i would suggest for you is get the flats and bumkins (or vinyl if you absolutely have to) to use until you can order a better type of diapers and covers - usually you have to go online or you may be lucky enough to have a cd retailer near you (i am lucky to have a lady who has an e-business living in my town so i can look at what i am buying first and then purchase)

    if you want a decent diaper cover for an inexpensive price - try the dappi diaper cover - it is short in the rise and you may have to go up a size, my baby is 6 mos, and the larges are getting a bit small/short so i went to toddler but they are too large in the waist - so i have had to go with some other covers for now until she gets into the toddler size better - they are $3 a piece and

    you can also purchase doublers which i use for overnights and trips - they make the diaper more absorbant and thus you do not have to change so much - again online

    since your daughter is 8 mos you may not need so many cd supplies, depending on how she deals with a damp or wet cd - my 6 mos old hates even a damp diaper (her average diaper usage is 14-15 a day) - she may potty train sooner

    i would recommend prefolds - i have tried bleached and unbleached prefolds - i prefer the unbleached - they are so much softer and fluffier and seem to be more absorbant - so much so that with 2 doubler and an unbleached toddler size prefolds - this morning her diaper was not even damp on the outside - i was impressed - i just recently got the unbleached toddler size.  for overnights and trips i use the stacinator deluxe fleece cover - works great, i have 2 that i alternate with if one gets damp overnight, and have another ordered just because it is a pink print.

    the snapiwrap diaper cover is not that expensive online and is quite generous in size - my baby is in a small when large in other covers - they work very well also

    imse vimse bumpy is a good cover

    and believe it or not, wool, is a great cover as well

    aristocrats or stacinator are the 'brands' i have tried - but i had a friend knit me some that work just as well

    that and maybe some cloth wipes (i use just plain water because of irratation problems) to use and that should cover it -

    o when out and about i just use a plastic shopping bag to take care of the wet/soiled diapers and i use the dry pail method which works the best for me, i tried the wet pail method - just didnt work well for me

    i have about 8 dozen prefolds (some of which i need to cycle out as they are too small) and i have to use them just placed in the diaper cover with no snappi (i forgot to mention, you will need 'snappi's' with those you do not have to use diaper pins - again have to go online unless have cd retailer in area - with the 8 dozen i can go up to (and probably) over a week w/o doing diapers however i try to do them every other day just to keep from getting so behind with housework in general

    if you go with flats, i would recommend the kite fold - you can find out how to do it online - there are a few different ones for prefolds as well, the twist works best for me (sometimes called the bikini twist) -

    o, and do not use bleach or other regular detergents, causes buildup - try the free and clear detergents - and wash the prefolds at least 3 times before using - it helps fluff them up more - and as you use them they usually get fluffier - which helps w/absorbancy

    o, and if you drypail method, just get a foot operated garbage can (target) with lid use a plastic garbage bag and that works ve

  3. Not to burst your bubble, but you are not going to find decent cloth diapers at walmart or target.  You can buy the prefolds, that people use as burp cloths.. and covers for them, possibly the gerber ones. But if you are looking for a good quality cloth diaper, you will have to look else where.

    Why dont you check out :

    I've got a few from those places, and i LOVE them.  You can even make your own cloth diapers and covers too, if you are crafty like that.

  4. well u well need liner  but u can get some all in ones and when u do it u can get a like stainless steal trash can and then when it's full just throw it in the washing machine and u can also put a liner in the trashcan u know that stainless steal trashcan ♥

  5. I plan to use cloth diapers and just purchased all my supplies from a website called

    I have done tons of research and heard do not waste your money on Cloth diapers from Walmart or any regular store.  They leak and are poor quality.

    The internet based companies have high quality diaper service diapers.

    To get started you will need about 3 dozen cloth diapers and about 4 diaper wraps such as a Bummi whisper wrap.  Also very helpful to have are cloth diaper liners which make messy diapers very easy to clean.  I bought all my diapers supplies which are supposed to last until my baby is 15 pounds for $111 which included shipping.

    I wish you luck with cloth diapers. Check out the website. Ive heard  they arent nearly as much trouble as people seem to think.

  6. DOn't get the Gerber Prefolds.  Target has BumGenius All in Ones I think, which is all you need.  Besides a good laundry soap.

    There are other creams you can use for yeast.  You can even use small amounts of vaginal cream or athlete's foot cream.  Dr Jack Newman (google him) has a great yeast cream recipe.  A little tea tree oil mixed with water is great for yeast rashes.  If you are breastfeeding, there are things to do too.  And, make sure her diet is VERY low sugar (especially fruit; peaches do it to my girls), including NO juice, or white bread/pasta.  You can use unsweetened plain yoghurt as a diaper cream (or, even better, breastmilk).

    Why would you get rude comments about cloth diapers?  They are awesome!  You will save SO much money you will be blown away.  Not to mention the landfill.  Some places here allow only one or two bags of garbage a week---disposible diapers often fill the entire bag!

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