
What will Matt Forte's stats be?

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what do think matt forte's stats will be at the end of the season.




  1. Chad K your one of those people who just answer with no facts to support your claims.

    forte will do good imo, he looked good in preseason and with him, the wolfe and AP rotating our run game has the potential to be a threat becuase they all have diffrent style of running and the opposing D will have to know who is on the feild at what time. i think he will be one of the top this year, especially out of rookies.   you should go to youtube and watch this guy Roy's videos, he covers everything that goes on and has highlights of training camp.

  2. He'll do great.  When he was at Tulane he was phenomenal even without an offensive line or quarterback.

  3. 800 yds and 4 tds.

    Against the Viks, 80 yds and 0 td in 2 games

  4. Not good cuz they have no receivers or qb's on the team so opposing defenses will key on the run

  5. 1. 900-1100 yards, if K. Jones gets 10 or less caries a game like they say

    2. 8 TD's - KJ won't steal many of these away

    3. 200 yards recieving - can't expect more than this from the rook


  6. 500-700 yards and 2-4 TDs, assuming he's the starter and doesn't get injured.

  7. 400 yards, 3 TDs

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