-He out lives his life expectancy for someone born the year he was with 4 bouts of cancer.
-He somehow wins the election
Be honest, a 72 year old, who will be 77 within his term as president. What is he going to accomplish? Specifically economically? He plans on doing the exact same thing as Bush right? (95% voting record the same as bushy)
Is he just going to continue the same b.s. Bush did for 4 years and then bounce? Theres no way we could be in a better place economically after 4 years of McSame. And he's already said he plans on staying in Iraq for 100 years, so we will definitely still be in there in 4 years.
The two biggest issues for people, that 81% of Americans think we are going in the wrong direction with, Iraq and Economy, will be the same or worse off?
What will gramps accomplish of signifigance?