
What will McCain accomplish in 4 years?

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-He out lives his life expectancy for someone born the year he was with 4 bouts of cancer.

-He somehow wins the election

Be honest, a 72 year old, who will be 77 within his term as president. What is he going to accomplish? Specifically economically? He plans on doing the exact same thing as Bush right? (95% voting record the same as bushy)

Is he just going to continue the same b.s. Bush did for 4 years and then bounce? Theres no way we could be in a better place economically after 4 years of McSame. And he's already said he plans on staying in Iraq for 100 years, so we will definitely still be in there in 4 years.

The two biggest issues for people, that 81% of Americans think we are going in the wrong direction with, Iraq and Economy, will be the same or worse off?

What will gramps accomplish of signifigance?




  1. when McCain smiles he looks like a naughty school boy trying to get away with something. yes he will continue wat bush is doing and stay in Iraq.

  2. I view McCain as the lesser of two evils. I look at raising taxes in this economy the same as putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger. You want to see a bad economy vote Obama in and see what high taxes do to the country, I have never heard of taxing a country to prosperity and those of you out there believing that need to take a economics class.

  3. he will ruin our economy further waste more lives in Iraq spend more money and get more in dept this is what he will do just like bush that's why we go with the democrats because the republicans messed up to bad obama 08

  4. Don't worry if McCain is elected and then dies. We will have a PTA president.  

  5. I think he will protect the American people, their interest abroad, keep taxes low and and have a president who our enemies will fear. I believe if Obama is elected the terrorist will try him. I think if he looses the election we will have riots the the big cities across the country. If we had riots over Rodney King we will certainly have riots if Obama looses election.


    -High Blood pressure

    -Getting a 'Lewinsky' from Palin

    -Starting a war with Canada if a u.s. team doesnt win the NHL championship

  7. Possibly h**l on earth.

    And world war three.

  8. (crickets chirping)

    (flat-line sound)

  9. war with iran, lose afghanistan, put us in more debt, skew the supreme court to the right, start a war with Russia.  

  10. World War 3 go republicans

  11. (1) Keep Obama out of the White House.

    Seems to be the most important thing.

  12. He'll continue to use the blueprint Bush laid out for him. Good thing we won't have to worry about that though!

  13. He will accomplish:

    1) 100 more years in Iraq

    2) More pork barrel spending

    3) Getting rid of MLK day

    4) Not looking into alternative energy

    5) Giving tax breaks to big businesses

    6) Making sure health care stays privatized

    7) Drilling in AK for oil with his nurse and destroying wildlife

    8) Taxing the worker bees who run this great nation on a daily basis

    9) Going to war with every nation that dares to oppose us

    i can go on and on...hope that helps!!


  14. He will continue to accomplish what Bush has been doing for the past 8 years....s******g up our country...making millions off of the oil company while we are paying out the butts to get around.  Another 4 years of war...and many more after that.  s***w the working class and make the rich richer.  That about sums it up.

  15. In relation to Obama, what matters more is what he won't do.

  16. He is in better shape to get our troops out of Iraq with honor than his opponent is.  Should he accomplish that, prevent another attack, and manage to keep Russia in check, that's enough for me.

    I know the economy isn't great everywhere; however, I suggest looking at your own state government first.  It usually has a bigger impact on day to day life than anything the Federal Government does.

  17. Carry on where Bush left off.  No change here.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  18. If he has his way, he's going to "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". To the tune of the Beach Boys, just to liven it up a little. Seriously, after hearing that he said that, I don't need to know anything else about him to know that I hate him.

  19. Saving this nation from the liberal-stain Obama. That alone will earn him a spot at Mt Rushmore.

  20. I think his ultimate goal is to finally be able to go to the bathroom by himself.

  21. Maybe he will raise retiring age in America...from 65 to 80.  I don't know.  He is really out of touch with reality though.  I don't want to seem agist so just because he is old doesn't mean he will be a bad president...Bush sucked as president and he's way younger than Mc Cain.  I just think America will get really depressed having another Bush in the house (lol Mc Cain).  Obama needs to win so Americans can have some hope for change.

  22. He won't run our economy into the tank, like Mr. Tax-n-spend liberal Jesus-Obama.  Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

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