
What will McCain do to prevent a 3rd Recession in a decade?

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Even if we grant that he might be able to get us out of this 2nd recession this decade. What will McCain do to prevent a third?




  1. When was the 2nd? I know after Clinton left we had one that lasted less than a year, but it has grown ever since, and continues to grow no matter how the media spins it.

  2. He should do nothing different, as he says he plans to, when it comes to the economy.  That way, we can put ourselves into an even bigger hole!  But what will it matter to us?  Our grandkids are gonna be the ones that have to deal with it.  s***w them.

  3. You mean McSame..

  4. He will cut government waste and programs that are self-serving to Congress members and their friends.  He has a history at it, believe it or not.

  5. Third?  I think there was one way back in 1999 and 2000 but there have been none since.  Low taxes is always a good way to rev up the economy..

  6. He doesn't have to. A recession is 2 consecutive quarters of NEGATIVE growth in the GDP. We still haven't had one.  

  7. Nothing everything is rosey in his bank account and all those houses he don't know how many he has. He want to keep some jobs here in America and do nothing about losing some jobs. He don't need yours.

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