
What will Mitt bring to the McCain ticket? Do you really think?

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he'll attract undecided swing voters?




  1. he will bring more wealth and real estate owned, to the republican ticket, which is clearly against the norm of most americans.  saw last night that biden is only worth around $150k.  couldn't believe it!

  2. maybe that he is a member of a cult oh how nice!

  3. More Greediness.

    Greediness- –adjective, greed·i·er, greed·i·est.

    1. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company.  

  4. his lawyers.....

  5. Let's all get a jump on this one while its still fresh.

    How come Mitt Romney doesn't know how many houses he owns?

    Choose One of the Below:

    1. He is out of touch with common Americans.

    2. He is old and cannot remember these things.

    3. He inherited them from the second of his two wives.

    4. All of the above.

  6. He is stronger in economics than McCain

    Johnny has admitted he isnt an economist...

    BTW what makes you so sure its going to be Romney for VP?

    Wouldnt he make a better cabinet member?

  7. Romney seems to have a better grasp of economics, not perfect, but better than McCain at least.

  8. good hair and polygamy.

  9. Religious delusion.

  10. Hey Marry Poppins:

    I think McCain needs a bachelor as a VP.

    Cindy is not going to share her alpha male control ot the Whitehouse with another woman.

    How about Joe Biden as McCain's VP. There is no law that he can't run in both parties

  11. He will bring disaster to the McCain ticket.

    Mitt looks and acts too "presidential" for the #2 spot on the ticket. He will overshadow McCain, which will not be a good thing for the party.

    There are plenty of other good, economically-minded choices who are capable of acting and looking #2.  

  12. A reminder to people that the way to get rich in this country now is to take over companies and destroy people's lives throwing them out of their jobs.

    A real good reason for Christian bigots not to vote for a devil worshipping Mormon.

    Finally, you got to think Romney and McCain hate each others guts, so a Romney VP won't happen.

  13. Romney is an economic genius as we noted in the last olympics But I honestly think McCain needs to bring the "WOW" factor in picking a female for his ticket.

  14. $50 million, and his magic underwear.

  15. He will bring more money to the ticket, some Mormon and theo con votes, and a reputation for being stronger on economics than McCain. On the other hand because he is a Mormon he may lose some Fundamentalist and nonreligious persons vote. Whatever the scenario McCain/Romney would lose to Obama

  16. A blowdryer and a brush.

    What a pretty boy.

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