
What will South Africa be like under Jake, the fat man, Zuma as president?

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What changes do you think he will make?




  1. Zuma will be the president of the country, even if it means he should govern from prison. That's what their megaphone holder Malema said. So, the only real change is that we would make world history - the first country to be governed from prison. I'm looking forward to that sad day.

  2. I must have missed KFK's answer but I don't think that he will do any better than Thabo. He is much more racist though.  The country is going down hill very fast and the brakes are not on.

  3. Ag I believe in giving people chances, but then someone like Zuma comes along. I think he will be an unmitigated disaster for South Africa and he is not fit to hold office. I think he will become one of those "lifelong" rulers and is well on the road to Mugabedom.

  4. Oh KFK what a good laugh!

    Zuma is most certainly not educated enough. He will have to rely on his advisers in order to know what’s cooking.  He will make one mistake after the other and only the people will suffer. But he and his children will be fine and live without a care in the world. Hopefully he will make sure that more showers are made available for the reckless and drop the prices of garlic and beetroot.

    Sorry I could not come up with anything positive except use satire. He will ruin South Africa.

    There must be thousands of highly intelligent and educated Black South Africans, why is he the main option?

  5. That is a different story

    No law only the bush law no Judges they were against him

    No Police they will be the gang lords

    No Education you can buy you diploma or degree at the corner shop or spaza

  6. Jacob Zuma is a reflection of what the majority of the population are like. To see how he will run the country you should just look at how he runs his life, and we all know how he does that and these monkeys want to make him the president of a country, stupid is the only word to describe it.

  7. Zooma is only the front man for the Communist Party and COSATU and from all of their recent utterances I think you can see what is in store. I think there will be a definitive move towards a Socialist Economy and away from a Capitalist market driven Economy. I see more and more assistance for the "poor" such as higher Social grants and even free Health.The question is "Who is going to fund it?" and the answer is most likely to be Whitey in the form of Taxes. The increase in Electricity prices is a good first example where the "poor" are to pay less than others which is effectively a cross-subsidisation from the rich i.e an ANC euphemism for Whitey. If they cant kill you out of South Africa they will make a real attempt to tax you out.

  8. I think Zuma needs another shower. LOL

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