
What will Xanax do to you if you've taken 2 50mg of and and aren't perscribed?

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I need to know whats going to happen to me and i just took the two 50 mg xanax bars. So can anyone tell me what's going to happend, because im not prescibed to it...




  1. Do you mean .50 mgs??  If that is the case it shouldn't hurt you, but if you really took 50 mgs you better call 911!

  2. I agree with Joel R. Xanax is a medication, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say you took 2 bars of it. Is that slang for tablets. As you, and just about every other person, knows, you should not take pharmaceuticals that are not prescribed for you, but if you feel you must, At LEAST research it on the Internet and learn, what it's for, what the dosing schedule is, what side effects it has, and whether it will adversely interact with anything else you are taking. Or, you can send another question and a slep like me will take the time to answer it.

  3. be careful w drigs my cousin died from anoverdose of xanax


    j/k, you'll be fine.  Just sit back, relax, and take it easy.

  5. probally get very tired and fall asleep, ring poison hotline to seek medical advice rather than yahoo answers!!

  6. Depends on your body chemistry. You will most likely sweat profusely and lose your ability to ejaculate for at least a week.

    No I am not kidding.

  7. There is no such thing as 50mg Xanax u t**d

  8. You need to be more careful buddy! You could have some serious permanent side effects from taking non-prescribed medicine. Please be more careful in the future.

  9. Leave mommy's prescriptions alone ....

  10. Why did you do that?  Your going to get dizzy and sleepy.  You won't die or anything.  Don't drive or go anywhere.  Lie down.  NEVER take medicine that isn't prescribed to you.  What if you were allergic?  Very stupid.

  11. it will show up on a drug screen for 30 days

  12. Dont drink alcohol because xanax is the same base chemical structure as alcohol.  It has made people alcoholics because people cant drink enough alcohol to equal the physical craving of xanax.

  13. First off taking medicines that are not prescribed to you is the best, but there is no suck thing as 50mg xanax, you must mean .50. i would just got some percocet if i was you and blow on those, im no it right now.

  14. Most likely you will just be tired and relaxed,

  15. Most likely you will just be tired and relaxed, here is a list of other symptoms and don't take meds that aren't prescribed to you, how stupid is that???  There is 0.5 mg Xanax.

    drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness ,weakness ,dry mouth, diarrhea, upset stomach   restlessness or excitement, constipation ,difficulty urinating ,frequent urination ,blurred vision

  16. There is no such thing as a 50mg Xanax.

    blaze23 does not know what she is talking about. Xanax comes available in 2mg as it's highest dose.  50mgs would put people in comas.  What a doofus.

  17. Whether you're prescribed or not the effects will be the same. Slightly doped up/stoned/high for several hours. You'll get the giggles and munchies and man I used to have a bottle of Xanax I got from my mom and kept for over two years, using just 1 or 2 (0.5 mg each not 50!) for major anxious times like arguments with my dad or transoceanic flights, but now it's all gone and I haven't asked my doctor for my own prescription because I can get by without it.

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