
What will a 10 months baby do?

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My baby is now clapping hands. When i ask 'where is the fan?', she sees the fan. But i'm teaching her to say good morning by keeping her hand on her forehead, but she is not doing that. I taught her to show her tummy when i ask 'where is ur tummy?' but she is not doing that too. Even she is not waving goodbye. Is this normal?




  1. I'm sure she's fine.  Babies develop at different stages.  If she knows what the fan is, that sounds pretty smart to me.  Just keep practicing...she'll learn at her own pace.  My 6 month old daughter is almost crawling, but she cannot sit up on her own yet.  They all do things at different times....try not to compare her milestones to other babies...she's advanced in other areas.

  2. i learned how to walk when i was 8 months old. maybe you should try teaching her how to walk.

  3. Congratulations!  You've got a baby who is also learning No!  Remember, you've got a baby not a puppy, learning tricks.  If you've got questions regarding her developmental stages, you can talk to your doctor, but I wouldn't be too concerned.

  4. Sounds normal to me.  Some babies can start doing some sign language about 10 months if you've been working on it since 6 or 7 months.  Only words that seem to be important to them though - - like 'nurse' or 'more'.

  5. 9 to 10 months

    Crawls with one hand full. Stands, climbs. Grasps small objects with thumb and finger. Imitates actions. Uncovers toy she saw you hide. May say "mama" and "dada."

    each child is defferant my oldest didnt walk till he was 1 my second child walked at 8 mo. and my baby is 10 mo. and isnt walking so each child is defferant babys are very smart repatition is good learning

  6. This is very normal. Dont worry. The time has not come yet to teach your baby.

    Next thing. Do you want your baby to be a singer/musician ? Then just try this. Just put some slow music, tunes or classical music near by the bed during play time or sleeping time and whenever possible. He will listen. And later he will take interest in music. But don't think that it is just for a month  or 2 months or 6 months. Atleast do it for 2 years till he speaks completely. And see the difference.

  7. Sounds normal to me.  My daughter is also 10 months.  She will wave bye only for a second when I pick her up from grandma's, but not to anyone else.  She's walking now, well she takes about 10 steps then falls.  When she's the phone she puts it to her ear but doesn't say anything, once I could've swore she said Hello though but.  She says mama and dada all the time!   And is starting to throw pretty good fits!

  8. It is very normal.  10 month olds have virtually no attention span.  They jump from one thing to the next quicker than you can believe.  They are so busy learning everyting around them, yet at the same time, they are storing all those things into memory.  When you least expect it, she will be showing her tummy to someone in the supermarket or waving by-by to a squirel.  There is just so much for them to explore that they loose interest quickly and move on to the new stuff.    

  9. it sounds fine to me....every child is different. just keep practicing with her and she will get it in no time.  

  10. It is fine every baby reacts different. When i was young i couldn't talk at all and doctors thought i was retarded. I finally talked when i was 3 years old and now i'm going into 8th grade learning algebra 2 (11th grade math)

  11. Yes, All babies develope at their own rate. Dont worry, she will do all of that in time.   My daughter is 7 months and is just now learnign to sit up when most babies do this at 6 months.  Just giver your daughter some time and she will eventually do it.

  12. yes kids kind of do what they want, they will go through tons of stages now and on. cooperative and then lots of attitude. she's fine!

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