
What will a Hussein Obama bin Biden win in November?

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mean for this country?? Will we recognize our nation after they are done with it??




  1. Not a chance. McCain in '08. Just remember to vote.

  2. ...I hope they are both returned to the Senate.

  3. He will win the grand prize a great big bucket of dissapointment for getting first runner up

  4. Oh, you are suggesting he is like the man responsible for September 11 because you don't agree with his policies. How mature...

    There should be a minimum IQ to vote (maybe 10) to keep people like you out of the booths.

  5. Based on the way that Obama has been behaving it will hardly make any difference. Obama seems to just change his positions based on which way the political winds are blowing just like Bill Clinton did.

    At least conservatives like me got a balanced budget out of Clinton. What did the Republicans give us?  The greatest explosion of debt in this country's history and the first big government socialist entitlement program in 40 years. The Republicans have burdened this country with trillions and trillions of dollars in debt and unfunded mandates.

    I'm voting for McCain because Obama is worse and Bob Barr cannot win but quite frankly I already don't recognize this country and I don't even know if it will matter.

  6. No one by that name is running.

  7. no he will not be elected

  8. Absolutely nothing.

    LMAO I like it. Obama Bin Biden. I hope you don't mind if I use it.

  9. It depends whos in congress.  If we have democrats running both and dont have a strong republican minority in congress to head them off, we could be looking at epic tax increases that will kill not only our economy but the globes.  We could be looking at carbon taxes which are a whole new set of environmental taxes beyond what they are forced to bear.  We would be looking at sky-rocketing energy costs as they oppose all conventional energy sources.  The military would most certainly be knock down in size crippling our strategic position.

    Enemies of the US are praying for a democrat victory as they should be.  Its pretty bad when communists and Al-Queda are rooting for 1 of our parties to win.

  10. I don't recognize the nation as it is now.

    You go right ahead and vote for McWar.

  11. it will be soooo much better i cant wait!!1

  12. Hopefully a one way ticket back to Chitown after a loss

  13. Hopefully they only win a new car... perhaps Drew Carey will have them... because i pray that the american people will see through their smokescreen and realize the John McCain is clearly the ONLY person running who understands the fundamental principal on which this wonderful nation was created.  

  14. .. Well... I'm kind of for obama.. but... at the same time... I don't even know why our country would even CONSIDER Electing someone who has a name that rhymes with Osama... for president? To control our country.... God... I know i will ge thumbs down for this... but its okay...

  15. Anything is better than McHitler.

  16. LOL OH Brother, you have the children after you again!! And to answer your question, It may get very interesting, or it may get scary, I prefer to keep praying that McCain wins!!!

  17. Who?  I think you need to do a bit of research

  18. Stop watching Fox, or listening to Rush.

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