
What will a Palin vs. Biden debate look like?

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What will a Palin vs. Biden debate look like?




  1. one thing I like about biden from day one.....if you shoot off at the mouth on something you obviously have no clue about he will correct you with pure facts and exactly how that situation is to be handled.

    he killed hilary, obama, edwards and everyone else on that dem. panel when they "thought' they could speek on how fast they could "bring out troops home"

    biden destroyed them all then the all of sudden they changed there tune on how long logistically it would take. lol

    so he won't hold back on palin if she even attempts to speak on something she has no clue about which is alot and it's also the reason obama chose him.  

  2. Sever blood letting, Biden will be limping back home on Amtrak wrapped in bandages.

  3. She seems a lot tougher than him.  She is going to b**** slap him.  

  4. Like a Pitt Bull with lipstick ripping into a skunk!!!!

  5. Beauty against bitter.

    It must be hard to know that your party is having morning after thoughts about Hillary.

  6. Palin will look inexperienced and shot from the hip with the typical republican responds to questions.

  7. Biden will capitalize on the experience gap between them.  Palin will turn it back against him with numerous references to his poor judgement, voting record, unethical treatment of C. Thomas, etc...  Biden will talk about being involved in foreign policy, and Palin will point out that unlike Biden she really is a normal American who is in touch with the reality in which most of us live.

    When it is over, 0.5% of the people who watch will use some of that information to make a decision of who to support.  99.5% of us will not change our minds about anything (and think the side we favor won the debate).

  8. Interesting.    

    Palin can read a teleprompter and talk propaganda well.

    Let's see how long the lipsticked pitbull lasts whilst talking about the REAL issues, because Biden will be waiting around every corner for her with a direct, on point response for her trash talk.

  9. Just like McCain and hussian     It will be embarrassing for oboma an biden

  10. she is going to get embarrassed and then pretend that Biden beat up on her.

  11. a mess.........unless its scripted.....

    which i assume it will be,,

    saddleback ring a bell/?

  12. Biden will look weird being eaten by this woman. I'll bet her lipstick won't even smudge.  

  13. biden never smiles...

    bidens ideas are bad....

    biden is balding

    in conclusion, palin will win

  14. Biden: Persuant to sentence 9, paragraph D, Sub Chapter S,Chapter 15 of USC...

    Palin: We should repeal your meaningless regulation and remove the shackles from the American people.

  15. Biden will drill her into the ground and make her look so dumb... she will cry and run off stage

  16. Foolish old man, ready to partition Iraq into three sections.


    Great woman of character and substance.

    Listen carefully to the foolish old man, you may have heard the answers before, somewhere else.

    Jeff Smoker: Best laugh of the day.

  17. Depends on who is asking the questions.  Liberals?  Look for lots of foreign policy questions to stump Palin and make Biden look like a genious.  Conservatives?  They'll through out energy questions, executive office questions, family values, etc etc.  Honestly I think Biden is going to bury her if she has to think on her feet and dig deep into facts.

  18. Biden with a puddle of urine at his feet five minutes before the debate begins.

  19. All she has to do is say "I agree with you that Obama isn't ready for the job."

    "I stand by your statement, too..."

  20. Biden will keep the issues the focus. When he's done with Palin, she'll be a wounded "pitbull" limping and l*****g her wounds of defeat. Thanking god she made it out of there alive.

  21. NIGHT AND DAY!!!!!!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08 !!!!!!

  22. To Mark K -  at least that viagra will be covered by his insurance, unlike the birth control for teen age girls.

  23. A slaughter

    Biden will do his best impression of Gen. Custer at Little Bighorn

  24. I can tell you that Palin will probably play the sexist card.  "He's a sexist!"

  25. there is nothing to debate

    this presidential election turn into a soap opera

    between Sarah Palin,Paris Hilton,Britney Spears

    and in top of that Obama giveaways tons of promess

    and of course McCain doesn't know in which planet he live anymore..

    this is just another embarrassment for American people

    and what they stand for..

  26. Biden will need to take some viagra to keep up

  27. Biden will reveal himself as the woman-hater he really is.  Then Palin will eat him alive.

  28. Biden eating Palin alive.

    Vice presidential debates are always a little down n dirty and the moderators ask much better questions than at the presidential debates, I'm really looking forward to it.

  29. I think Biden will take care to restrain himself, as he will barely need to retort once Palin opens her idiotic mouth.

  30. Biden will show himself to be an old kook and Palin will shot him down like a moose.

    McCain for President

  31. She'll hold her ground. He'll come off as a bully.

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