
What will a background check reveal?

by  |  earlier

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If I am applying for a job that requires a background check, what will they see? I've never even had so much as a parking ticket, but I have been let go at a previous job. If the employer is using an outside co. to do the check,will it just be the criminal background that they are checking or job background as well. Won't the hiring co. be the one to check my past jobs by calling my past employers, or is there a stored database that holds my past jobs and dates, etc? I really need some honest answers here. Thanks!




  1. Re:  How I found out someone had a criminal record

    I recently had a similar situation when I hired someone to work in my home for a number of months.

    I went to this site

    and it provided me with the information that I needed.

    Sure enough, the person I was going to hire to work around my family had a lengthy criminal record including robbery!

    He seemed like a very nice man but you cannot judge a book by its cover.  

    Do yourself a favor and have them checked out.

    I was totally shocked that they had so much info on this person.  The website had all public info info including addresses, phone numbers, and criminal records.

    There was also a listing for marriage certificates, bankruptcy, death records and a bunch of other stuff.

  2. I would like to see the same info that a prospective employer
    would see

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