
What will a major in art get me?

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I'm a 17 year old going into her senior year at highschool. Art has definitly been my passion and for years I've been set on pursuing an art career.

When I though about it, I wanted to be an Art teacher; However, what other jobs could a major in art get me? All I can of is an art teacher, or someone who works at an art museum.

((As a little background info; I specialize in multiple fields of art. Mostly Drawing, painting and Ink. I don't hold a passion for computer/graphic design, and I don't want a career strictly based on making art per say))




  1. Illustration... for advertising, books, anything printed or on the web can use hand drawn or painted illustrations.  Creating the fashion/clothing pictures for sewing pattern manufacturers.  Doing the ink illustrations for instruction manuals and sheets (numerous from knitting to furniture construction).  Medical illustration (need good understanding of biology).  Book cover illustrator (I have a friend who makes a good living doing that as a free-lancer).  Real estate drawings for architects and town planners. Maps, 2-d and terrain (need some geology to do that).  

    Fine art painter, portraitist, pet portraitist, muralist, cartoonist.

    If you learn air-brushing and/or watercolor techniques, you will have more open to you.

    Just look around you, at home and in the mall, and notice everything drawn or painted.  That will give you some ideas.

    You can also work in an art store... or open your own.  Work as or with an interior decorator choosing colors, fabrics, and art, or in a retail store that sells home furnishings to help customers choose curtains, paint colors, etc.  In-store display design.  The choices for an artist are almost endless.

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