
What will be Ban Ki Moon's next photo shoot?

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The head of the UN seems to have had a change of image. At one time he flew to Antartica to see climate change first hand. He seems to have shed the Captain Planet image and now he's getting his picture taken with Saudi royalty and taking credit for his part in saving the world from expensive oil.

Heros really do come in all types, but what's next? A nuclear reactor photo shoot perhaps?




  1. Hello

    Ihave not received please send

  2. You can't say that he didn't try. The next shoot might probably be with his countryman Kim, trying to convince him that nukes are pretty dangerous toys or with the Iranian P.M. to convince him to drop the enrichment program otherwise the whole installation might be bombed to the ground together with all the staff, korean or whatsoever scientists are there.

  3. Mr Moon will have his photo taken @ whatever or wherever it BENEFITS him the most.

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