
What will be Serbia's and Russia's response to Kosovo's declararation of independence?

by Guest32382  |  earlier

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If they can do that, would their be any reason why Alabania couldn't expand it's sovereignty to include Kosovo?




  1. well it is expected that the new country will be recognized by most European Union countries and the United States/Canada.

    However, Serbia and Russia are vigorously against this declaration. It does appear that Russia will use it's veto at the UN to block Kosovo's application to sit as an official country.

  2. I think the whole world is now backing this independence and noonce can stop it , andi guess serbia and russia wont have anything to do more than political boycott ...and for the same reason albania cudn expand its sovereignty to kosovo ..cuz the world acccepted INDEPENDENCE of kosvo not increasing Alania's soverrignty ...and i believe if that happend there will be an unstoppable war on Albania

  3. The Serbs are wrong. Colonialism is sooo last century. I love seeing unreasnable people in dispair. Just giving you a peek into my thoughts. Whomever is Ameican and supports Serbia or the Russian mentality should move there. But they will not be free to practice their stupidity! LONG LIVE A FREE KOSOVA!!!! I told the Serbs in this site 1 year and half ago that this was going to take place but now they see it themselves.

  4. Serbia will now play the waiting game.  Currently its national police have issued warrants for the arrest of the leaders of the interim Kosovo government, including Thaci.  Russia will do all it can to block as many nations as it can from formally accepting Kosovo as an independent country.  Already Spain, Romania, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia, and China are vehemently opposed to this move.  I would think Turkey and Iraq would also voice such a concern, having large Kurdish populations that would clamour for a similar outcome in their region of the world.  

    Albanians sent secret agents to Kosovo in the late 1960s and 1970s to propogate the Albanians-as-descendants-of-Illyrians myth, to instigate a greater Albania.  This theory is popular in Kosovo among Albanians, but across the rest of the world historians see it revisionist and false.  The Albanians did not arrive in Kosovo until after 1690, filling in the vacuum left by the Ottomans who killed and drove out large portions of the Serbian population.  Serbs have not forgotten this and have persisted despite genocides against them, by Ottomans and Albanians, for the last three hundred years.  Albania has no territorial claims to Kosovo and claiming such would be grounds for war against Serbia.  Not only that, but Montenegro and Macedonia face similar sizable Albanian minorities.   They will likely support Serbia in such a claim by Albania.

    My guess is that Serbia will wait for the EU and NATO forces to leave and slowly try to re-establish sovereignty/control over the province.  Albanians in the province will probably respond violently, but they have no moral right, no legal right as Kosovo will not be allowed to enter the U.N.

    My hope is that Serbia rallies some vocal opponents such as Russia and China and if need be go to the third world and Latin America for support, where US and EU interference in national sovereignty is a common concern.  Without the legitimacy of the UN, Kosovo would remain in a de facto state of being as a Serbian province controlled by the UN and protected by EU forces.  Hopefully those EU nations that oppose this declaration of independence, such as Spain, will have enough influence to convince bigger EU bullies such as France and Germany that supporting Kosovo is a mistake that will alienate Serbs, Russian relations, and is ultimately a dangerous precedent.

    Serbia is democratic, Slobodan Milosevic did not act in a vacuum but responded to seperatists in Kosovo (who declared independence in 1990, remember) with a violent history of attacking Serbs within Kosovo.  Yes, it was a heavy handed response, but that does not mean Serbia has lost any right to Kosovo-Metohija, and that "Kosovo shall never again be a part of Serbia".  Never?  Says who?  Under who's authority?  

    The Italians slaughtered more than 100,000 Sicilians in the 1860s, yet today Sicily is a peaceful and integral part of Italy.  The French massacred their own, perhaps 30,000, during La Semaine Sanglante (the bloody week), in response to an uprising in 1871.  When the US southern states declared their independence, Union troops went to war and burned the city of Atlanta.  

    So how is Serbia so different?  Because the others were 130 years ago and it was normal then, but now it's brutal and inhumane to put down a rebellion?  (and make no mistake, the KLA was an armed rebellion).  Serbia was within its right to send in troops, to defend its citizens and territorial integrity.  With time, with some balance to the story, this will be an argument.  And the US and EU argument that Serbs were genocidal and had to be stopped will not hold water, as this story is already coming under scrutiny.  

    So perhaps it's fair to theorize that with time, the Serbs, having a legitimate claim to Kosovo, should be allowed to restore their sovereignty over the province.  There is NO legitimate reason why they cannot do so now, to see if a Serbian Kosovo can even work, under UN authority and scrutiny.  The only reason why NATO does not allow this is not for fear that Serbs would commit atrocities, but because they fear the Kosovar Albanians will become unmanageable and will attack the Serbs (as they have for 318 years, it's virtually a national hobby) clearly putting NATO on the wrong side of the war by supporting the Albanians.

  5. Albania will try to have a hand in business, but freedom-hungry people will not allow it to happen.

    Manipulative brains just used Albania, but they do not want it. Kosovo-albanians think they are strong now with US backing their ugly game.

    Eating MacDonalds for breakfast is not enough.

    US is provoking Russia with this move: it is a game between two old rivals.

    None of them really cares for anybody.

  6. I think Albania should try that, I want Russia and Serbia to put them in their place. The CIA and the U.S. need to get the F--k out of there.


  7. This is a huge chess game, that works well for the US as far as provoking Russia. We can only wait to see the out come but this pushes Russia closer to Iran, who is already a Russian friend. I think American Officials  would love to see how Russia reacts. Russia is not the dead country we all think they are, the Russian army is nothing to sneeze at. So whatever the outcome we cant take Russia lightly.

  8. First, stop with the un-founded conspiracy theories. Serbia lost Kosovo when it began annihilating its population for which Slobodan Milosevic was put on trial for crimes against humanity in The Hague.

    Russia can make idle threats, they are almost a third world country with a corrupt ruling oligarchy and shady puppet government in the iron grasp of Putin. The USSR was a rusty myth, now it is even worse. They can make threats.

    All it will do is make them sound like Iran, that's it. Talk is cheap Ras-Putin.

    Serbia are racist and un-evolved. They lost parts of their country because to begin with, these were not their Serbian lands. These were people forced to live together. The irony is, WW1 began because these people did not want to be ruled by Austria-Hungary anymore, and now they are ornery that other people want the same thing, to be free.

  9. Well, one reason Albania is unlikely to try to absorb Kosovo is that they hope to become a member of NATO and are closely aligned to the US. I doubt the Kosovar Albanians are all that eager to become part of Albania. They did harbor some hopes that they could be the leaders of Albania, but the Albanians in the home country weren't very supportive of that idea.

    Russia will be very unhappy but isn't likely to take any direct involvement. However, they may very well support separatist independence in Georgia and Moldova as a sort of revenge. As for Serbia, certainly there are still nationalist sentiments there, but they aren't in a position to do all that much. In the medium term, their interests are more closely aligned with the rest of West.

    Edit: Russia has no veto in the General Assembly.

  10. As a Serbian, I am quite enraged by this. The Slavics had Kosovo since the early 19th century. The Serbians let the Albanians into our country. BIG MISTAKE. The Albanians now took our land, by having more kids than us Serbs. They just have more people than us. Over 50% of the population in Kosovo is under 25..ARGG!!! The Serbian prime minister said that this whole thing is a "false state." Now Kosovo is one of the poorest countries in Europe. They're already having huge economic problems, also constant power outages. And they can't turn to Serbia for help- that's for dam sure. Slovakia doesn't even recognize Kosovo as a country, aha. And why the h**l did Bush come in this. THis isn't any of his business, he has enough problems with his own country. Serbians now won't let any Albanians come in our country again, so that they can breed more kids, and take over. .If an Albanian comes on Serbian land we'll call the Serbian're lucky you got away with this....ARGG :@ Now stay in Kosovo...don't get to greedy

  11. What will stop the whole world from fragmenting into tiny, unsustainable and non-viable states? The societal and demographic fabric is ripping apart into factions as a result of conflicting ideologies.

    Instead of learning from other failures, people follow a rebel leader in the (misplaced) hope that he/she will bring about a better dispensation. The smaller it gets, the less chance it has of any success. It is doomed to fail.

    The "big brothers" of the world (self-appointed USA, Russia and China) will simply sit back, wait for it to collapse - then rush in with a rescue package that en-debts the "new" state for life into the governship of their rescuer.

    A vicious circle with no end. No hope.

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