
What will be get?

by  |  earlier

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My childrens Dad passed away on the 12th of january he work for the police n had a pension and life insurance. I have been waiting to hear from the police about this as they where looking in to it. However I am now a bit worried beacause he had left it all in my name.I have heard nothing about the insurance but the police have said that he will get a lump sim payout to his astant and I will get a svrving child allowance for the children which I have just looked up about and this seems to be the pension but I dont understand they also said the rest will be paid into trust for the children. I am just confused I didnt think I had to do anything but am now worried .We had split up and werent living together but I was tlod he left it all for me to look after the children can anyone help/ does anyone know how life insurance n pension would work like this?do i need to do anything ? thankyou




  1. You don't say who has told you he has left everything to you but if you contact the police department where he worked, they should be able to look up and tell you who the beneficiary was of both his pension and life insurance. He could have different beneficiaries or the same beneficiary. (The beneficiary is whoever gets the benefits of the life insurance and pension.) Once you know if you are the beneficiary, they should be able to estimate when payments may be made.

  2. I would call and speak to the Human Resources department at your ex's Police Department. They should be able to point you in the right direction and provide you with the proper forms to fill out if they are needed. Best of luck.

  3. It sounds as if you were left with everything but it is going into a trust to be distributed in either annual payments or monthly payments.  As the other answer's said call your husbands employer and ask them to go over his coverages and mode of disbursement with you in detail.
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