
What will be most remembered of the brief & bloody US empire and its few days of terror on earth?

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What will be most remembered of the brief & bloody US empire and its few days of terror on earth?




  1. I don't know what dimension you are from, but The United States of America is a Representative Republic, not an empire. We don't have an emperor. If the US ever disappeared from the world you need only take into consideration that the most powerful countries in the world would be China and Russia. You would not even have the right to post your ignorant questions on the web. Then you would realize the real answer to your ignorant question; you would remember the freedom you once had and realize how great this country really is, only then it would be too late. I do believe you could move to Somalia if you don't like the United States; I am sure they would love you over there.  

  2. iviolated: i loved your answer. 80 thumbs up man. you made my day.

    the U.S. will be remembered as the country who helped others, only to be abandoned in its hour of need by the Eurotrash.

  3. You need to take lessons from iviolate. People around the world will completely ignore the US for all the wonderful good it does each and every day, but are ready to call us the spawn of Satan when we do something they don't agree with. It would serve people like you right if we just withdrew our humanitarian aid and let you all rot with your various corrupt and ineffective governments. But don't worry... we're a good people so we won't do it... but it WOULD serve you right.

  4. The war OF terror.  

  5. The deaths it caused.

  6. Your question is garbage.  US will continue to be the beckon of light through the oppression of autocrats.

  7. The day it stopped helping out the world and made the world help itself.

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