
What will be obama's life story as told by Hollywood?

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obama was born in a manger in Chicago when up in the sky a light so bright that the world could see. a light from the sears tower shined down upon him. and in a strange land 3 wise liberals came to bear him gifts of higher taxes, oil money and health care for all. as the came before him the said yes this is the chosen one. he will lead us into utopia. this is how i thhink his life story will be told by Hollywood.

(tounge and cheek) because they have nothing else to go on.




  1. The Democratic party is America's worst nightmare.

    They are RUDE.

    They are CRUEL.

    They are SLEEZY.

    They are MONEY-HUNGRY.

    They are EVIL...we should defeat it.

    So, we shall! McCain '08.

  2. Classic...Very Funny...Good One.

  3. i heard daddy yankee has singed on to play a young mc cain in his life story.  

  4. Denzel will play Barry and Billy Dee Williams will play his Dad.

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