
What will be resolved first - the war in Iraq or high gas prices?

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  1. High gas prices. Demand for gas is getting lower and lower due to the prices. Which means the foreign oil companies are LOSING money. So these companies will eventually have to lower their prices. This will not be in our immediate future, but also will not take forever.

  2. The War in Iraq.  All we have to do is train an Army and stabilize a willing government.  I give it 3 more years max.  Gas Prices are going to remain unstable due to demand and reliance.  And then, when we don't rely on them as much, gas prices will go up due to lack of demand.  Gas sucks.  A desperated country full of people who want peace and freedom is a cause we will "resolve".

    """"Wildcat has it wrong.  China is booming, and is cuasing the demand for gas to skyrocket.  India also.

  3. It will be the war in Iraq- the gas prices will never go down because of government corruption, and that will always be with us, under the current system of government.

  4. The war in Iraq is pretty much resolved now in case you hadn't noticed.

  5. The price of gas will not go down.

  6. i am tired of answering questions like this,  this is an economic warfare for the "terrorist"

    we call it a war on terror


    who is winning?

  7. Gas prices. The bubble Will burst before Christmas.

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