
What will be some of the effects of g*y marriage?

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Positive or negative.





  2. Positive.

  3. Just more of the same issues that plague heterosexual relationships, like more marriages and more divorces, more custody battles and more marriage counseling.  Less controversy regarding inheritance rights, visiting rights, and medical confidentiality issues.

  4. people will judge, which is a shame, BUT it is about time they allow it.. good luck

  5. There will be none other than g*y couples will have the legal benefits and rights any other married couple would have.  Or, to give the holy roller answer, the moon will turn as red as blood and the earth will split open and swallow all sodomites and other sinners.

  6. Like Peter from Family Guy said...if they want to be miserable like the rest of us who are we to stop them?

  7. negative, megadeath and fire,I would definately dreed judgement day.

  8. Who cares? Shouldn't we all be born the right of FREE-DOM to choose? There will always be people who disagree over a situation, like most people I see doing here. Thats not the point. We should all have the freedom to choose what we want to do, and everyone should make peace of it regardless of their own little pity thoughts and opinions.

    Then those people (I wont name names) should search deeeep within themselves and seek to find that peace, healer feeling called LOVE, that we ALL are capable of feeling... Most just  haven't found it because they are always spending their time doing nothing but sorting out their own negative conciousnous thats clouding it.

    Bottom line: people need to except everyone how they are and stop trying to create WAR over a pityful situation. If one wants to be with the same s*x and it completes their life in their opinion, let it be for how in the world does it affect you? It doesn't, the only reason you think it does is because YOUR THINKING ABOUT IT! Stop thinking about it and no longer does it affect you. Simple.

  9. Reading some of your answers, I feel sorry for people who are so closed minded.  Same s*x marriages are already legal in the UK and I have two female friends who are married.  They're no different to any other married couples I know, and as far as I'm aware legalising same s*x marriages has changed nothing in this country, other than to give couples the respect they deserve - their love for each other is the same as a Husband's love for his Wife and vice versa.  So I guess my answer is positive.

  10. The effect to me and most people will be nothing. Neither negative or positive.

    This issue is more about the right of a person to choose who their family is and the right of that family member to have certain rights that us heterosexual married couples now have such as:

    The Right to visit our spouse when they are in the Hospital

    The Right to be on our spouses healthcare plan

    The Right to survivor benefits

    The Right to be consulted when our spouse is in need of medical care.

    If we could put aside our bigotry and hatred for a minute and act like decent people, we would have a society were Insurance companies could not decide who are family is but rather we could make that decision.

    Currently most of us cannot put an elderly parent or adult sibling on our insurance for the same reasons.

    I could  care less about whether or not g*y people marry, I do however care about the health, wellbeing, and rights of Americans to protect their loved ones.

    I think anyone who calls themselves a Christian should answer the question of whether or not we care for all of our people as Jesus would before we go picking fights over what a Family or Marriage is.

    This is just the kind of argument politicians like to make to keep us from what is important. Taking care of each other!

    Young, Old, Sane, Insane, Healthy, Sick, Disabled, g*y, Straight, Jew, Gentile, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, etc.

    Jesus loved all of us-why can't we show the same decency to each other?

  11. Its will prolly be no different when we discriminated against blacks segregating telling them what they can or cant do, or when woman were unable to vote. we look back at it now, and it seems ridiculous that we even did that back then. It doesnt hurt anybody else, its their decision not yours. Would you also felt endangered if a black man would poo in ur toilet? Time to grow up and get over it, its 2008

  12. Negative. Next people will claim they have the right to marry kin or their pets.

  13. Vaseline sells will go up,  Toilet paper sells will go down.  And God will d**n them to h**l

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