
What will be the best homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with constipation and what is the dosage?

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What will be the best homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with constipation and what is the dosage?




  1. i cant answer that..... but, i had this about 12 yrs ago....

    i had to get operated.... your in for some real pain.. sorry, but its the truth..... and if you havent been to see a doctor, it could be anal warts too.......... also, painfull..........   i'd go to the docs dude...... because the home stuff aint gonna crue this........

  2. The remedy you need depends on your constitutional symptoms. Your problem is beyond self-help care.  Few people understand that homeopathy is the philosophy, not the remedy, so you'd need to contact a certified homeopath, who would talk with you for an hour or two to understand why you have these symptoms, then research and recommend a remedy that will restore balance (and cure both the anal fissure and constipation). In N. America, Worldwide, homeopaths are otherwise pretty available.

  3. This is a serious condition that homeopathic medicine cannot fix.  Not all alternative medicines are effective at such a late stage of problem.   Sorry.  

    The constipation must be taken care of immediately before the fissure turns into a perforation or rupture.  There should be absolutely no straining whatsoever.  Your best home-remedy bet would be to take a large dose (3 tablespoons to a glass of warm water) of magnesium citrate, which is a powdered form of mag.  Don't even bother with Milk of Mag or the other liquid stuff found at drug stores.  That is a different form of magnesium.  Don't use glycerin suppositories as you might further damage the fissure, taking a turn for the worse.  Once this urgent situation is taken care of, you should continue the magnesium on a daily basis to further prevent this from happening and to give your body a chance to heal.

  4. (Didn't you already post this?)

    The best way to help constipation is chiropractic care.

    The best way to help anal fissure is white baby diaper creme - once a day.  Good luck.

  5. Nitric Acid 1M one dose one globule. Do not touch medicines with hand  use cap of the vial and administer directly on tongue.  with best wishes.

  6. anal fissure was caused by constipation....ur anal area is obviously not well lubricated...u should take flaxseed which will help with the constipation problem thus avoiding further damage to ur anal area...flaxseed can be found in any drugstore w/e and u should take a big spoonful in ur yohurt, milk, or even cook it with your rice, pasta and what not, it's really easy to heard of some ppl taking flaxseed oil, but i personnally think that eating the stuff is better and easier since it'll feel a lot less like you're taking medicine...

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