
What will be the best weight / material for a Bokuto/Bokken Sword ?

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I am a big tall guy, 6'1" tall 260 Pounds.

Please provide me with links to specific bokkens.

Planing to draw and light contact.




  1. You really care about length as opposed to weight. A taller person should use a longer bokken/sword, probably around 30" or so blade length depending on how long your arms are. This one is about your size.

    Sorry Mushin, but my Red Oak bokken is 14 years old and has shattered other bokken. Yes it has dents, but  never any splintering or cracks. My sensei's White Oak bokken is also quite old and dented, and it has never splintered or cracked either. Our iaido dojo has had excellent history with both Red and White Oak.

    A big guy like you might like a suburi-to as well. It is a heavier bokken for warm-ups.

  2. Oak, as this is reputedly the strongest wood. However, White Oak: often has poor crush resistance due to the porous grain, if a tight grained piece can be found, will often make an excellent bokuto. Red Oak, Pin Oak etc. are NOT suitable.

    Hard Maple: Good crush resistance, tight grain, good strength and weight for everyday practice.

  3. it dosent matter that stuff is g*y wrestling is better

  4. One that's between two and four lbs is optimal. Try and buy one that doesn't have a tsuba on it.

    These are cheap, and gives a variety for ya.


    I also have a red oak bokken and it has lasted me 15 years, yeah it's got some dents in it but that's from kids taking it and swinging it full blast into bos and breaking them in half.

    My Shihan has a white oak and he's had it for 35+ years.

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