
What will be the effect of industrialisation of West Bengal after stopping the small car project of Tata Motor

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What will be the effect of industrialisation of West Bengal after stopping the small car project of Tata Motor




  1. West Bengal in general and Kolkata in particular, has been showing some industrial progress recently, after years of economic slump. Kolkata has positioned itself as one of the top five IT destinations in the country today. This has led to the revival of the image of the city as an industry-friendly one, and the WBIDC has left no stones unturned to utilise this opportunity and set a wave of industrialisation in the state with the help of the efficient chief minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya.

    However, the scene that had been created over the construction of the car factory at Singur under the banner of TATA motors, had undoubtedly dampened the spirits for a while. The two successive 'bandhs' or strikes called in the month of December 2006, by the opposition and the 25 day so called 'hunger strike' by the opposition leader definitely showed the world, how difficult it is to industrialise a place where such kind of oppositions exist. The govenment had no role to play in this case. The opposition argues that the plots or the lands of the unwilling farmers be given back to them. Bombing the site of the factory, processions, many untoward incidents and delay in the beginning of the work has inreased the production cost of the car by around Rs. 300 crore. I'm sure, somewhere Ratan Tata must be thinking, why did he choose West Bengal as the site of the factory.

    A similar event had happened in Nandigram, where the opposition had protested along with the local supportes about the construction of a chemical plant, which did not take shape due to the protests.

    The ultimate gain? Nothing. Except of course, that the opposition has gained few more votes. The opposition is protecting the interests of the farmers. Fine. Who protects the interests of the educated people? Should the educated youths find jobs in farmlands? Or should they escape from the state to find better opportunities elsewhere, the way it's been happening for years? Such kind of violent protests against industrialisation definitely tarnishes the image of the state. God knows whether the opposition understands'm sure they do but they have their narrow political intentions prioritized in their minds. Who cares what happens to the few educated thousands in Kolkata? They won't even account for the number of votes the likes of which you can get from the millions of uneducated farmers in the villages, right?  

  2. If I were Tata Motors I would pull out completely.

    If the government is going to use fraud to acquire the land, God only knows much Tata Motors is in their pocket... so to speak.

    Or, worst case, how the government will treat and tax Tata Motors once the plant is buillt and running.

    In most cases introducing a plant also introduces jobs and economic growth.  Without either I would assume industrialization would remain stagnant if not diminish completely.

    Sounds like another third-world government corrupt trick to me.

    Oh well.  Maybe Tata Motors will buy GM's Hummer brand and put the factory in Nepal.

    Good luck !

  3. If TATA moves out of W.Bengal other industries which have a place in W Bengal slowly try to move out and no fresh investment would take place. There will be no industrialisation of W Bengal if thwe party in power do not mend their policies.

  4. It is inevitable that Globalization has to meet face to face with such incidents of man handling local interests

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