
What will be the eventual downfall of the U.S.A. ?

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What will be the eventual downfall of the U.S.A. ?




  1. Obama as president

  2. Obama is not the President yet-get it! Bush has already initiated the landslide. This is typical neocon behavior- blame the future on the future. Try the present, for a change! h**l, try the President, for a change.

  3. the large number of illegal immigrants, the educational programs in schools, the war in Iraq, and people that just dont give a **** about doing something about it all.  

  4. Fascism.  Google Lawrence W. Britt's "14 identifying characteristics of fascism", then compare it to the current U.S. political, religious, economic and social systems.  The points of correlation are spooky, imho.

  5. Arrogance, lack of foresight, imperialism, unbridled capitalism

  6. Welfare, Social Security, universal health care, food stamps, etc.

  7. The failure to hold people accountable for their actions, the lowering of standards rather than insistance that people achieve them (students for instance), the lack of discipline in our society (especially our homes), the decline of the family unit, devaluing personal achievement etc etc etc

  8. "Entitlements".

  9. Destruction of the constitution by liberal supreme court judges, unless people wake up.

  10. What's up with the negativity..oh, you must be a republican and you know you're going to lose!

  11. The blindness of the American people and their lack of questioning their own government. The American idea has been dead a long time.

    R.I.P. America 1776-1963  

  12. Selfishness.  Indifference and apathy to the suffering of others.


  13. I think it will be morality and drug usage. The Romans went that way and we are spending billions to stop it and spending billions to buy it and feed the criminals and foreign countries and arm them with their profits from opium and marijuana.

  14. liberal experiments

  15. what makes you think it hasn't already fallen down?

  16. With B O as president  God save us

  17. Greedy lawyers and politians who spit on The US Constitution to make themselves and their buddies richer.

  18. Three words,Barack Hussein Obama


  19. Incompetent leadership.  

  20. Capitalist Imperialism

  21. Debt and another revolution of the poor and down-trodden.  After all the states is only a paper tiger.

  22. "When voters find out they can votes themselves the contents of other pockets"... that's a paraphrase, not a quote... best answer to whoever knows it.

    Basically, liberalism.  When people can ellect reps that will transfer my hard earned wealth to others.

    And teachers unions.

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