
What will be the fastest train by the year 2020? Is there a projected estimate anyone could tell me?

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Right now the fastest train is the maglev, it went 581 km/h.




  1. wow, interesting question

    I think you would have to put maglevs and conventional rail in separate categories though.

    I have never seen projected estimates though.

    Nothing will be faster thatn the maglevs inthe foreseeable future but due to the cost and genaral impractibalilty, there wont be alot of maglevs built anytime soon.

    Your grandchildren might enjoy them though.

  2. By 2020, we should be nearing practical, hyper-sonic flight.  Long distance rail travel will join the dinosaurs in their extinction.  L.A. to New York?  45 mins.

    Freight, however, is forever.

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