
What will be the fate of the alleged killer in the Manitoba Bus Beheading case? What if he is found insane?

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I am referring to the alleged killer in the bus beheading case that happened in Manitoba about a week ago.

Assuming he is found to have committed the crime, which is all but a certainty, what will happen to the him?

What if he is found to be totally insane? Will he still go to a normal prison?

I think the consensus of opinion is that one would have to be completely insane in order to do what this man did. And are insane people still responsible for what they do?

Here is a link to an article about the case:




  1. Calmly decapitating a bus passenger in front of however many number of passengers/witnesses is usually a sure ticket to jail.  However, like you said, he'll likely enter a "not guilty by reason of insanity" or whatever the Canadian court equivalent would be.  He will probably end up in a padded room.  Of course you have to be insane to stab a random stranger repeatedly until their head falls to the floor.  

  2. It is possible that the killer in this case will plead "insanity," but very few people are successful in winning this bid.

    In the case that he is proven insane (it must be proven that he was unable to form the willful intent necessary to be convicted of murder), he will NOT go to jail, but will instead be committed to a medical facility.  There he will be treated until he is deemed "sane" and allowed to reenter society.

    In some cases, a person will spend more time being mentally rehabilitated than they would have otherwise spent in prison, so it is not always a favorable verdict.

    It's also possible that this man was on drugs though, in which case he would still be held responsible for his actions and tried appropriately.

    Remember-- Big Lurch got a life sentence after he murdered and partially ate his female roommate and staggered into the street naked and covered in blood.  All under the influence of PCP.

    I wouldn't cry "insanity" until this guy has been drug tested.

  3. I think that even if he is found insane, they should lock him up to an asylum with maximum guards because he is a very dangerous man.

    What he did was one of the most horrible crimes I have ever heard. He attacked an innocent man who is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He stabbed him multiple times...Sounds typical crime, then the bizarre happened: he then beheaded the poor fella, and then starts to cut up pieces of flesh from his mutilated body, and eat them like a wild animal.

    Before this, he seems to be just another normal person, having 9 to 5 job, a wife, no criminal records, etc. Then he suddenly snapped inside a bus. Really very disturbing, but I guess you never know what goes on in other people's mind.

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