
What will be the in the next wave of "fill in the blank" middle names for girls?

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In years past, it seems like most girls were given one of a handful of middle names--Ann, Lynn, Kay, Marie, Lee, or Elizabeth. Some of them are still popular today, but Grace and Rose seem to be the most popular middle names that little girls are given today (some refer to them as "throwaway" middle names). I wish the SSA had a database where they kept track of middle names, as it would be interesting to see how frequently certain names are used.

So what do you think will be the common middle names in future years? I think Grace and Rose will continue to be popular for a while, but I also am seeing Paige, Jade, and some other names being mentioned very frequently here as middle names.

What trends do you predict?




  1. Thats a cool thought, yeah it would be great if they kept track of middle names. Hmmmm I have been noticing NICOLE very often as a middle name. Its almost like it has moved from first name status to middle name status. Also I have seen..





  2. Well in my niece's school Marie is very POPULAR! I also think Lynn is going to become quite popular too.

  3. I also agree with Rose and Grace

  4. I agree with Grace and Rose. I'm also seeing Mackenzie and Emma used a lot as middle names. Ann and Marie are still pretty common.

  5. Oh god, the filler names.

    Filler middle names are terrible for girls!

    Almost everyone I know has either Lee, Marie, Kay, Lyn, Anne, May, Rose, or Nicole.

    I wish parents would put more thought into it!

    In the future I see those names staying, because mothers-to-be think it's cute and those names sound good added on to a first name, they repeat the name in their head a million times.

    Most names sound good with Lee or Lynn or Marie or Rose or whatever.

    I think names added will be the first names of today!

    As well as cutsy "inspirational" names like Hope, Faith, Joy, Destiny, Heaven, Liberty.

  6. I agree. I think some of these names lack creativity. I call them "filler names" ... I  think Grace, Rose, Mae, Marie, Ann, Lynn, Jade will all stick around for awhile. I'm also seeing Rayne & Bella mentioned alot too.

    I also find it weird that we only think of girl names in this way.

    Good Luck & God Bless!

  7. Francis is making a come back and i see Madison a lot

  8. I think Grace and Rose are definitely here to stay for a while. I don't really predict that Marie is going anywhere either. I also see a lot of Janes, Skyes, Elises, Paiges, Jades, and Madisons. I see Eve, Ava, Eden, and similar names becoming popular in the near future- I'm starting to hear a lot of those. Also, I predict lots of Joys, Faiths, and Hopes. Virtue names are becoming a trend now as well.

    I also think that names that have been considered "boys names" in the past are going to start becoming popular for little girls. There are lots of female Logans, Rileys, Camerons, Taylors, etc. I have to admit, I fall into this category- I love unisex names!

    Interesting question!

  9. yeah i agree,

    probably paige, claire,

    elise, brooke, may.

  10. Interesting. I like your question. Trendy middle names? I hate them all. Blah. What's next? Hmmm, I have no clue. My guess would be Claire or June. I'm not going to use trendy names anyway :P. Ugh, Grace and Rose will be still be around.

  11. Woah! That is weird, okay listen to this.

    I want to name 2 girls,  ( if i have girls, when I have kids)

    Logan Rose

    Kailey Anne

    So there is truth behind that...

    : )

    I dunno too much about what the trend will be next though

  12. Definitely Rose, Grace, and Paige! I think you're exactly right there.

    Kate would be another.  Not Katherine, just Kate.

  13. I think Marie will continue to be very popular, as will Grace and Rose.

  14. That's so true! There are some names that sound good with anything, and throw-away is a good term. You're right though - I think Grace and Rose will keep on going. I also think May is another one that I hear a lot lately, as well as Lucy for some reason.

  15. A all mess up trend. Have you seen these crazy names here lately? They are wrack and as bad as those celebrity baby names.

  16. Boys names are starting to be a trend for girls middle names and first names!! Which I love that!!

  17. I've been seeing Raine and Skye more and more frequently. Also Elise

    For the future, I predict more "boy" names as girl's middle names.. for example, Ryan, Dale, Cole, Mitchell etc... or maybe super sweet names like Angel, Dear, Darling, etc

  18. My names Nikkolet Rose and I know a couple girls with the middle name Paige, and two other girls in my grade with the middle name Rose. I like my sister and grandmas middle name, O'Shan. Kinda funny, when I grow up, I want to name my daughters Isabella GRACE and Olivia ROSE. lol

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