
What will be the name of the oaklahoma city bball team??

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What will be the name of the oaklahoma city bball team??




  1. The NBA has filed for trademark rights to six nicknames for the league's new Oklahoma City franchise: Barons, Bison, Energy, Marshalls, Thunder and Wind.  Most radio and TV stations are reporting it will be the Thunder.

  2. Thunder! Sorry to disappoint the other names like Wind and Barons.

  3. The Oklahoma City Stealers

    ....can you tell I'm from Seattle

  4. thunder i think

  5. Thunder,Barons, Bison,Energy,marshalls and wind.

  6. It's rumored to be the Thunder but that's just a rumor. The official and patented choices are Barons, Bison, Energy, Marshalls, Thunder and Wind. The problem that has risen up with Thunder is that it conflicts with how the GS Warriors have a lightning bolt on their jerseys and the mascot's name is Thunder.

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