
What will be the next False Flag operation the us government will conduct?

by  |  earlier

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hey captain, dont think theyd carry it out? do some research on the US warship Liberty!! Their have been a lot of whistleblowers but the media refuse to cover it.




  1. Feel free to list (with actual proof) the last "False Flag operation.

    Go ahead, I'll wait.

    (Humming to myself)


    Thought so.

  2. Hopefully somewhere where we can take their oil. America is getting blamed for it anyway we might as well get our money's worth!!! It is better than getting blamed for it and NOT getting any oil.

  3. Dunno that one, but, our own MOD has gone MAD.

  4. Probably Iran.

  5. It makes sense that the government would de-classify a document and then carry out its contents, if you're an idiot.

  6. I think we will do this:

    Then when they strike back, as anyone would, we'll say they attacked us, they attacked us!  Then we'll use it as an excuse to start another war.  Just my opinion.

  7. Venezuela of course.  Their oil reserves and shacky government make them the perfect choice for regime change.  A US plane shot down doing reconnaissance for Columbia would be the most likely scenario.

  8. you are missing the one where gas prices have doubled in less than a year.....crushing the economy and deflating the dollar to an all time that foreign companies can come in and commence to hostile bids on our domestically profitable, but vulnerable stocks in buyouts of companies not in trouble or for sale......

  9. what was the last one?..tell us the most recent and we will have something to work with? for your "question"...who knows?

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