
What will be the next evolution after man?

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What will be the next evolution after man?




  1. Interesting Q. Geneticists have found that the Y chromosome is unraveling. SO it seems that the next evolutionary step will be the elimination of males. it also seems t hat we are becoming more androgynous.

    There is a book by Stephen Baxter called "evolution" that deals with a number of "what if " scenarios for the possible next evolution of Humans .

  2. Nobody knows... but probably, at present, is the peak stage of human evolution.

  3. cyborgs.....

  4. snakes lol but god knows

  5. its always hard to predict the outcome of mutations, and the specifics of natural selection

  6. Evolution is random and doesn't work towards a specific goal. There are also limits to it's direction. As example in the 1950s it was predicted that humans would evolve large brains with heads to match. It's now know the female pelvis cannot accommodate such large skulls and, were it to become wider, the ability of a female to walk would be compromised.

    Most predictions involve humans gaining an attribute found in the animal kingdom (flight, gills etc.) Most likely our own technology will lead to these skills. Some of our evolutionary faults (bad backs, respiration that drains inside, appendix) would be resolved by genetic engineering.

    Most probable is a trait or being that subtly develops and isn't notcied until it has spread widly.

  7. It is my hope that human kind will eventually leave the Earth & seek their future among the billions of stars & planets in our universe. I suspect the "meek" will be left to watch over this planet & watch the evolution of other species.  Soon humans will be in charge of their own evolution & will tailor their genes to fit other environments.  I suspect we will greatly enhance our intelligence and lifespan to meet future challenges.

    Icabodwa: A longer childhood & period of brain growth would easily resolve the "big head" problem that many see as a limiting factor in human intelligence.  However, I suspect a more effecient brain will be the easiest means of attacking this problem.

  8. We will probably evolve into blobs of fat with huge brains,also we will lose our bones and become like sponges with big heads

  9. A proto-male that will do dishes, vacum and take the damned garbage out!!  I don't see the evolution of species coming in the near future!

  10. Planet of the Apes...

  11. nothing.

    because we are destroying the ozone layer then the world will burn because of the sun or the ice burgs will melt and we will all die and the earth will be just another planet with no living organs.

    Nickie xx

  12. ..../\..


    ...v..v   for you! very very good question! No one knows =P

  13. As everyone who watches Stargate Atlantis knows we will ascend to a 5th dimensional level and loose our reliance on our bodily form.

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